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Mahogany Top Maple Bottom?

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Hi, I have a beautiful piece of mahogany 3/4" thick. I'd like to use it as a top and a piece of Western Maple (non figured) for the bottom. I've read about how different tops/bottoms will sound different, even if it's the same combo of wood. Is this just more voodoo talk or will a Mahogany topped guitar with Maple on the bottom sound different than a Maple top Mahogany bottom??


Edited by Cracked
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I'd say it probably will sound differant, how it'll sound differant will probably depend on a lot of things! If you're doing a set neck then the wood thats on top is probably going to be getting more of the vibrations from the neck. If you're doing a bolt on then the bottom wood is probably going to get more from the neck, in either case the bridge will be attached to the top wood more than the bottom one. the wood that's getting most of the vibrations is going to be the more 'dominant' in sound terms....well maybe! if you only had a thin cap on a thick body I'm sure you'd still hear the bigger chunck more :D and thats just the start of it :D I'm sure you'll get a differant answer from everyone else!


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i think what robert said about the neck being attatched to the body more and the bridge connected to the top wood more would cancel out in comparision to that of the usual method of maple top mahogany bottom that is the bridge being connected to the maple more on a les paul for example would be canceled out by the neck of your guitar being conected to the maple more and the same with the mahogany, i hope that makes sence and you understand what im trying to say :D

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Heavy, like Setch said brighter than a normal LP, all that maple will brighten things up a bit but it shouldn't be too bad as you have a little mahogany on there to contol it a little.

Whenever you get into a disscusion about how woods affect tones you'll always have 15 different answers from 15 different people.

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