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from start to finish of making a complete specific guitar

I was thinking that they would be pinned or have their own section

I t would be of great benefit to have

how to make an ibanez jem

how to make a gibson lp

how to make a fender strat

how to make an ESP MII

Edited by wildchild247

allrighty...... :D

Go to the top left of the screen and click on 'Project Guitar Home Page'

That gets it to.... you guessed it. Da home page :D

Now you should see a section with several different categories including

a tutorial section .


'Guitar of the month' is a good place to look too, as there is most usually a link to

the winner's website which then opens up a cavernous door to such worldly delights :D

(again, that's on the home page)

If that doesn't do it for you click on 'LINKS' and see what comes up.

Mate It's all there and more, you just have to use some investigative nouse. :D

Remember to buy Hitchcocks book too as Mattia mentioned in a previous thread.

I've got it and still go back to it as a quick reference guide.




i am looking for step by step stuff for specific guitars

example: I am looking into replicating an Ibanez JEM7V

somebody else built one and recorded all the steps involved and then posted it up

so I can see the various steps in building that guitar exactly


Okay......... try Jemsite.com

reference section has a list of other forums too. definately worth a gawk at. :D


There are a couple of complete how to make specific guitar tutorials. I even have one you might could check out called Making Of A Strat. Building an Ibanez guitar is basically the same process, minus and plus a few steps. You could also go to my site to find the tutorial just itself. I know Setch has a great article that shows how he built a Les Paul guitar at this link. There are a lot more on the site, but not sure if they are complete builds, or ones that shows you the process from beginning to end. Good luck.

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