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Good 7-stringers.


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Hey guys!

I'm thinking about building a 7-string instead of a 6 for my next build but I'd like to get one to try out first. Whats a good one to look for used? I'd rather not pay much over $200 but I Could go to $300 is I save a little longer.

I see alot of the Schecter Omens and Jackson dinky's for in the $250's or so. But I'd rather have one with a floyd.

I suppose if I got one that was a flat top I could install a floyd myself but that defeats the purpose of having one to try out.

I don't really like the feel of baritone guitars, they are great if you are a chord guy, but I play mostly lead stuff

and i think it might be a little easier for me to get used to having that extra string, I've heard some people say that they are hard to get used to not hitting the low B string, I do alot of stuff on the A string so I am pretty used to being careful not to hit ajacent strings, I've also heard they are a little hard to get used to chording, but don't you have to learn how to skip strings while chording anyway? Whats one extra?

So basically I'm looking for a double cutaway 7-string with a floyd rose, HH or HSH pickups, bolt or neckthru, I'd prefer something not too radical looking, I can deal with mabye an RG or something though, I always thought SG's are more radical looking than RG's but thats just me.

Thanks guys!

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I think its going to be hard to find a 7 string that cheap with a floyd rose as wel dude :D

Washburn has made one that are still around. WG-587V

I have one, after a refret and some Dimarzio blaze pickups, it turned out pretty okay. :D

They feel IMO much like a lower-end Jackson.

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ebay it, i am also in the market for a 7, my first, i want a hardtail though because i have a floating on my RG1570 and i think if its a bit of a pain in the ass tuning with 6, 7 might just kill me, last night i had my eye on one, the exact one i wanted, 140 dollars perfect price and...I FORGOT!!! i was sitting right at the computer and i friggin forgot (im still bitter) gah thats like dropping the touch down pass. but any way lways keep your eye on ebay, probably the best deals you'll find

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Thanks guys!

I am always checking ebay, I actually just looked at my local daddys and they have a Schecter Omen-7 for $260 in like new condition, here are the specs on that guitar http://www.schecterguitars.com/spec.asp?id=32

Basswood body, bolt on maple an rosewood neck, somewhat similar to the Ibanez JS 7 in construction.

I'm going to go try it out as soon as I can.

I'm thinking of trying to trade my epi les paul for it that I got for $350 from there, its in just about the same condition I bought it in so I'm hoping they'll give me at least $200 or a straight up trade for it. The neck on the les paul is just to thick for my hands, I like its sound, but not its feel. and I don't like the sound THAT much. Lol

Thanks fellas!

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I was actually just lookinh at it anf thinking that I have seen carved top guitars with FR's in them, could I route out this one for a 7 string floyd?

I would have to rig up some kind of jig to make sure the route is level though.

What about the locking nut? what do I have to do to get that on? I know there is at least some modifying to the nut slot but that about the neck bolts?

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Nightfly, no I was saying if I wanted to put one in the Schecter. It wouldn't make much sense to do the routing after the top..... Lol.

Maiden, I was a carvin fan for a Looooong time, I was actually planning on buying a DC 747 this summer but I decided to build a guitar instead.

I have the guys at Daddys holding the Schecter Omen-7 for me, I'm gonna go look at it in person either tomorrow or tuesday. Its supposed to be in like new condition.

Like I said I have a nice epiphone les paul that I get almost no use at all out of so I think a trade would be worth it, I plan on playing the 7 for 2 or 3 hours before I decide though.

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I absolutely loved it so much I had to get it.

It wasn't very hard to get used to the feel, chords you can hang your thumb over to mute the B or you can just skip it while strumming.

Scales aren't all that hard to figure out, you just look at the 2nd string an whatever notes are on that string you simply move to the 7th.

Looks like I get an excuse to build a couple matching guitars. :D

A six and a seven.

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