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The Start Of A New Guitar

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Hey everyone. I just recently "designed" a guitar to suit my needs (i say "designed" because its hard these days to design anything). I am going with a telecaster/les paul type deal. Its a les paul related body shape, but its flat instead of carved top because i personally like the simplicity behind a flat topped guitar (much like the tele). Im going with 3 pickups, 1 emg81 in the bridge (im a metal player) and 2 single coils for a nice clean tone (im also a blues/classical type stuff player). Im going with a black back and neck and a sunburst to a vintage amber in the front. The body is topped with curly maple and the neck is made of mahogony. White binding around the body and head but i think i mleaving the neck unbound. If theres anything else you guys wanna know just let ME know. I made a 3d render of what i want the final product to look like and here it is.



Also, does anyone have any pickup advice for the single coils? And have you guys ever heard of pickups that can double as humbuckers and single coils with a push/pull pot? thanks!

Edited by pariah223
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I say no binding on the neck.. No binding on the neck makes it look more vintage-style imo. And goes better with amber/brown sunburst as you're doing. I like the shape, people would be very fond of it, guitarists and non-guitarists alike. It reminds me of the PRSsinglecuts, probably because of the bottom shape and the top part, but the cutaway horn is definitely tele. Interesting.. you mixed a fender tele with gibson lespaul... like they say... "The Best of the Both Worlds" -PRS (refering to Fender and Gibson) Thought I'd point that out... since I thought it looked like a PRSsinglecut before I figured that out.

I'm interested in knowing what scale is it? How many frets?

Also, if I were in your shoes.. I'd make it a carve top, but not dramatic.. maybe about 1/4" difference from edge to center.

Just to help you, I'll raise a question.

Is there an active single coils suitable or perhaps considerable? for jazzy/bluesy tunes? If not, it'd be a real hassle to mix an active and passive systems. Or perhaps you found 1?

Cool project overall!


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well, the best setup i found for single/humbucker active combo is the EMG pickup set. Now i know all you hardcore blues players are cringing at the thought of an EMG, but i, being a metal player, am very fond of the EMG pickups. I have played a little on them and from what i could gather in a short time was they would work for what im going for. A part of me wants to just go with seymore duncans all the way, and forget about active pups, but i havnt made that decision yet. Pickup choice is something that can actually be decided later in the build process. I usually dont rout the pickup cavities until very close to the end due to certain methods i use. I would ask you all for pickup advice, but since pickup preference is so personal, theres not much of a point.. haha.

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yea, its not a traditional metal design, but i also hate most of the overly pointy, violent looking guitars. I prefer flowing curves and more traditional finishes. You would be suprised now adays how many metal players play les paul style guitars. As for the software used, i got a copy of 3dsmax and that didnt take me more then a couple hours, but i also took classes on 3d max and have done commercial work in it before so im good with it. I design all my guitars in max first to see how color schemes and such will look and work out in the end. It helped me come to the decision on this one of gold or chrome hardware... also, where are the image posting rules, i dont see them anywhere and i dont like breaking rules!

Edited by pariah223
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also, where are the image posting rules, i dont see them anywhere and i dont like breaking rules!

Yeah, the rules aren't exactly easy to find or anything. Yet everyone get's yelled at for not knowing them. I actually spent a good amount of time searching for them until I finally gave up.

But now I know where to look. They are in the "Announcements and Test Area" forum under the pinned topic "The New Rules and Forum Changes"

If they're gonna be that picky about em, they really should post the pic rule in a more likely to be seen place, like maybe a pinned topic at the top of every forum or something. Wouldn't be hard to do.

Oh, and I really like the design you got there, great idea!!

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well, the best setup i found for single/humbucker active combo is the EMG pickup set. Now i know all you hardcore blues players are cringing at the thought of an EMG, but i, being a metal player, am very fond of the EMG pickups.

I play metal and the blues, and I have two different types of EMG single coils in various guitars: an S-set in my strat and an SLV from a Luke set in my S470DXQM. If you're looking for a switchable single/dual EMG, that's the 89. Supposed to be an 85 and an SA in one housing that you can switch with a push/pull pot.


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Great looking guitar...I have a very similar "design" in the works...(we all say that though don't we??). Anyway, I have had great sucess with any # of the variety of humbuckers that are made to fit in single coil space (quarterpounder for example). It's simple to wire a push/push (my favorite) or push/pull pot to give a bucker in one position and a single in the other (wire one position to ground the "tap" of the PU...viola...single coil PU). The buckers in single disguise PUs don't sound exactly like a true single, but they work great for blues and heavier blues/rock. So many to choose from, it's more fun to do your own research. :D Keep us posted on progress...Rog

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thanks for the replys. Say i were to get an EMG 89 (im really considering it now) for the bridge. How difficult is it to wire that with 2 SA's above it? I havnt had much wiring experience with guitars since the 2 i have built i got the pickups prewired. Does the EMG's come with wiring diagrams for doing that?

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well progress is going very well on this instrument, i dont have pics right now because to be honest... i forgot to take a single one throughout the whole thing, but ill get pics up soon. Body is done except for the pickup cavs which im waiting on until i get my pickups (ran outa money =( ) All the binding work on the body and headstock are done, Fretboard with abalone dots is done and ready to be fretted. Tuning machine holes are drilled. Its a matter of days before the work before painting is done.

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