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Safety Tip - Bandsaw Blades


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Went to change the blade on my new bandsaw for the first time today, wanted to get a bigger blade in there for resaw (laminate necks).

Those coiled up blades have a bunch of stored energy in 'em. Pop! A couple of little cuts in my thumb, but dang, I should've seen that one coming.

Just thought I'd share.


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If you can figure it out, I believe you can uncoil them against a wall, but I just leave that job to others after one "exploded" on me as I uncoiled it in the wrong direction, and tore through the heavy gloves I was wearing, and my shirt.

Edited by Mr Alex
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Oh baby you have to watch them suckers. I usually open them up a bit and toss them into my yard and let themspring open. One time I tried to control a blade as it uncoiled. I was doing good until I needed one more hand and it pinched my hand B) . I had one hand stopping the blade from springing open and the other caught in the teeth :D . I had to have Darci come down and grab it with channel locks so I had a free hand to seperate the teeth that had my hand. That was a slow process :D


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Perhaps someone can figure out how to do this in reverse.

I tried, but don't have the guts to try again, I'm almost as afraid of bandsaw blades as tablesaws now.

That whirling sound tablesaws make sends shivers down my spine.

Edited by Mr Alex
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I typically use the toss method to open up blades at work. Just don't toss them onto concrete...it can be very hard on them. When I recoil them, I use my foot on the floor instead of the edge of a vice like the guy in that link. I think I have better control that way.

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