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Hey there..

I was told that one does not need to shield the electronics and pup cavities when using EMG active pups.

Is this correct..? I was not told by a very reliable source, so I wanted to make sure it is this way or the other..

Thank you so much guys, I wouldn't have gotten this far without your help!!


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I don't know :D

...sorry, not very helpful. I would shield the cavity anyway just in case. I would imagine that adding an active circuit would increase the possibility of noise but I haven't used any EMG pickups so can't really comment...but it wouldn't do any harm to do some shielding & you might want to install some different pickups in the future.

According to the info in these installation sheets, clicky , they don't require a ground lead to the strings but it doesn't mention shielding (at least not on the ones I looked at).

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hi 'frog,

adding an active circuit could increase the possibility of noise, if the circuit came after a lot of exposed wiring or at the other end of the guitar cable.

with active pickups, the preamp is right inside the pickup assembly.

the low impedance output from the preamp makes it MUCH harder for external fields to induce a (hum and/or noise) voltage on the wires and cable carrying the signal.

you're right about it not doing any harm. shielding and grounding the strings should actually help. but i doubt if you would be able to tell the difference.



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