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Time For A Pedal Revolution!


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Tired of heavy pedal ?

Girls wanting a cute pedal instead of such devilish or boyish designs ?

Feel that the design of most pedals are similar?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

May i present to you...






That's made with lego?

Yup Lego is what you are looking at! This current pedal will only be made into a simple a/b box.Might have plans for bigger brothers..

No wiring?

Yes the wiring isnt done up and e reason y i'm showing you now is y iphone is revealed when it isnt available in e market yet, i'm just eager to show you people!

The side seems to be attached in untraditional lego method..

Yup the sides of this pedal is been glued together using the traditional way of building classical/accoustic guitar!


For now it is very stable! Just like iphone,there are bond to have wonders.. but i can tell you it is very stable as you can see e reinforced 3pdt zone!


Yes there will be leds attached to the surface at the later stage.

Light Weight?

You bet!

Is this for yourself?

Sad to say, it isnt mine.. haha.. its a build requested by a customer.

So what is the name suppose to be?

I'll call it LegoTone :D


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I actually made one a few years ago but dropped the idea on the first stomp because the switch broke straight through the plastic....they'll look cool but I wouldn't trust it in a live situation unless it was reinforced inside....I considered building over a standard Hammond enclosure but it all got a bit too complex trying to fit the jack sockets etc.

nothings original :D

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