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I prefer metric over imperial except when it comes to temperature. Not that I don't like degrees celsius, its just that I *know* what 100 degrees F feels like, and thinking that room temperature is somewhere around 25 degrees C is just odd. However, there is no comparison when it comes to science -- SI all the way!

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I'm at 51°27'32.54"N 2°36'16.48"W.

Put that in google earth and you can zoom in on the exact locatation of the computer I'm sat typing at.

For the less specific answer, check under my name :D (<--)

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OK, I'm too lazy to read all the posts. My $.02: metric is a superior system and should be used in the US as it fits with a number of decimal based systems such as our monetary system. It has been more of a complaint by manufacturers as to the cost of retooling, people having to learn something new, etc. All of you scientific measurements with the exception of a few, such as meteoological measurements in the states are based upon the international language of metrics. Globalization - a phrase I'm beginning to despise- will probably force the few of us left with the imperial/sae measurements into mm or a dual system for now in order to accomodate manufacturing, consumers, etc.

Oh yeah the point of this thread; I'm from Fishkill (Hudson Valley) of New York State, USA. And I agree with Melvin, perhaps, if we can keep it mind, to try to use both measurements in our threads. (of course that won't stop me from forgetting!)

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