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O.k. So Now How Do I Attach And Position The Nut?

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I prefer Titebond or similar, even with "plastic" style nuts (graphtec etc). With epoxy the nut will be very hard to remove later on

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On one guitar I did a long time ago, I drilled 3 holes acroos the top of the nut w countersinks, and used screws to attach it into the slot. This made it very easy to remove later. I didn't notice any diff in sound compared to gluing it. I think the Earvana Strat nut is kinda like this.

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Hey Rick, Where in Ky do you live? Do you have any build pics? I am only finished with the neck glue up and rough head shape of my first build.

I am unsure how to post pics. I will try to figure it out and post.

As far as hardwoods. Paxton's in Cincinnati was a relatively good source, however, they are in their last month of retail sales. My only other source is a mill in St Leon, Indiana. That is about 1 1/4 hours NW of me. How about you? Anything near Lexington?

Chuck :D

Hey, Chuck, you're about 90 minutes up the road from me. Hope you're enjoying the weather. :D

What are you building? Any pics?

(And have you found any good hardwood sources nearby?)

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