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Need help wiring EMG´s


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Hi ,

I´m wiring 2 pickups(81&85) with 1volume 1 tone and a 3way toggle switch...I´m following the diagram in this page :

www.emgpickups.com/pdf/2 EMG 1v 1t 3wt.pdf

I´m almost sure that I´m doing everything right but I can't get the volume control to work it doesn´t change the volume in anyway ,maybe the volume pot has a problem or maybe I´m grong in some way ...I´d apreciate your help..


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hmm..... all i can say is check your 2 live connections on the volume pot, remember that that's a view of the bottom of the pot... maybe try reversing them, other then that the pot sounds like it's shot..

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Sounds like you connected your ground (shield) wires to the pot shells but not to the lugs of the pots (the counter-clockwise lug) or something similar. That would result in a problem like yours. The diagram might not be 100% clear to you on this point but make sure that the ground wire is soldered to the back of the pots AND the CCW lugs of the pots.

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