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Using A Different Nut On A Floyd Rose

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I'm planning my next build and was wondering if you could use a regular bone or brass nut (les paul style) with a floyd rose fastloader system. The tremolo will sit on the top of the body, not recessed or unblocked. I also thought of using a roller nut of some sort ( http://www.guitarbuilder.org/Fender-SLR-Roller-nut.gif ). The reason is that I never liked the looks of a floyd rose nut and just wanted to see if any other type would work.

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Personally, I think it should be ok as long as you make sure that the tuning is going to remain stable. You might want to try flipping the strings so that the ball ends are at the tguner end.. that way, as long as you have trimmed the strings to a suitable length, you should have very little in the way of string slip on the tuners.


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No way would that setup let you use 100% of your floyds travel.

When you fully depress a floyd trem, the stings will go so slack that they will just fall out of the nut slots. you will lose tuning as the string unwinds around the tuners heads as well. This is not a good idea.

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It'd "work," sure. But would it work much better than a standard floating trem? Debatable. If you're not going to lock down on both ends, I see only the most minor benefit to locking down on one. So you have all the bulky hardware of a Floyd, without the real benefit. Not a good tradeoff in my opinion, but your mileage may vary.


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