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Neckthrough Guitar With Top?

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If you want the top exposed over the entire top of the body, yes. I'll be going this route on a 7-string guitar I'm about to start on. You can also just glue the top to the body wings, it's quite a bit easier this way.

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here is my first time doing this:



the idea scared me but it wasnt that hard to do.

I fitted the top around the fretboard rather than putting it under the fretboard, the bass has no neck angle - which is something you need to think about as you havnt got it included in your drawing

You can do it your way but you will need to make shims that go under the fretboard at the body end because it will not be like you have drawn it. If you can, have a look at the join on a yamaha sg2000 - they have a doorstop like shim under the end of the fretboard

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i dont think im gonna do a neck angle. dont you only need that for TOM bridges? also the top is gonna be a half an inch thick so that i can carve it, do you think that is enough to get the carve to be defined if im carving this way


thats an amazing bass wezv, how thick is that top?

Edited by carousel182
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the top on mine is 3/8"

Its true that neck angle is more something we associate with TOM's but you will need to do something to get everything to the right height. The way you have drawn it you have the fretboard attached to the top. If you do that without a neck angle the fretboard and frets will be sitting about 7-8mm above the top. Most bridges dont go less than 12mm without sinking them into the top - so your lowest possible string height will still be a few mm above the frets.

Basically it all needs carefully drawing out from the side elevation first so you can see where the problems arrise

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