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What Is A Good Cad Software

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i am an engineering student and i use solidworks, which is standard for many things. im sure they would have software to convert solidworks files into the cam file needed, but this will involve some programming, usually by someone working there. (which is the commands the machine will run from). solidworks is quite expensive, but like everything these days, cracked copies are floating around the net to be downloaded.

solidworks would be great if you are looking to make a bridge or something similar, making a body would end up being a big waste of money in my opinion as there is alot of cost in the programming and such before the thing is actually made, and they arent hard to make after making a few templates. even for the bridge, its not going to be worth it unless you get alot made, as the time it takes to program, a few could be made on a cheaper machine with someone reasonably skilled operating it. i think making a body with a carved top would take a while in solidworks, a i cant think how you would create the carved effect, unless you just did alot of steps and then sanded or chiseled them out.

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Yeah, the AutoCAD software itself won't break the bank but the license will. Older versions (maybe R14 is still out) would work just as well and might run around 4000 usd. Just in case you are not from AU, 7000 = about 5,700 usd. There are also some other programs that are not from AutoDesk that can do CAD drawings.

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