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Two Pots


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I'm building a guitar with two HB's (EMG's). I'm making two pots available and I'm not sure which way I want to go. My original thought was to go with two volume pots. If I were to do this, is it common for the front pot to be the neck or bridge pickup?

Maybe it would be better to have a tone pot (although I have never used it in the past on my RG550). Supposedly, the tone pots actually work a bit better with the active pickups but I don't know this by experience.

The guitar is intended to be used as a hard-rock or metal guitar.

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for "normal" I'd look to a Les Paul/SG design. I think the farthest forward pot mimics the farthest forward pickup (neck). Personally I like two pots...one tone one vol. I haven't really found a good use to have separate volumes and tones. You could put a concentric pot in one of the pot locations. That gives you 3 controls then, 2 of them stacked on top of each other.

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On my Les Paul and ES-135, the front two pots control the PUP volumes and the back two (closer to the bridge) control the tone. When I built my Walnut guitar, I changed it. The front two control the neck PUP, the back two the bridge PUP.

To each his own.

Guitar Ed

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  • 4 months later...

hmm did something like this on a guitar stat style, but with only two pickups, i used a vol slider pot to fade between the two of them for a nice blend, and i tapped along the way to make it a coil cut option too..

and added a single over all master volume control one of the best systems i have used ..

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