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Calling all clear coat experts


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First sorry for so many posts and thanks for all your help. I'm trying different spray can clear gloss lacquers. WIth respect to spray cans only, do you think there may be a way to determine which is better?

Here is my idea.

1. Get one can of each type easily bought via stores like Wal-Mart, Home Depot, reranch, stewmac, etc.

2. Run test, spray in a container and weigh a set amount. Pour on surface and tilt. Measure run

3. Spray for a set time and weigh to determine spray rate

4. Determine nozzle pattern

5. Spray and then add second coats after x minutes to determine min time between coats.

make test plates and let cure (some tests may be subjective)

5. Sand test area to see how quick it sands

6. Polish and check final product

7. Measure thickness (I think a friend of a friend will let me use his paint mill device, not sure how it works but you put it on the surface and it gives you an answer)

8. Measure hardness after x time (?????)

9. Scratch resistance test (???? maybe weighted tip, scratch and measure depth)

10. Bad scratch and then sand/fill test for future repairs

Ok, would this be helpful to anyone and if so what tests above should I do and what have I missed? I'm an engineer and like doing this kind of stuff so I think it would be fun regardless of outcome.

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I see your location is not given, but if you are in the US, I would just save some money and go with ReRanch products.

If I had to do one like that, I wouldn't hesitate to go the ReRanch route.

I've never used them personally, but I think Bill has gone to more lengths to perfect the aerosol can approach than anyone else I've seen. I think he even has a superior spray can, something about his nozzels, it was something I read once.

But he's so well-equipped if that's the route you're going, I think he's really covered his bases well, and is always there to help, the customer support is class-A there.

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Yea, thinking of doing this for experience and fun. If it helps someone else then all the better.

With respect to Reranch, I've read how good it is but I've also read different opinions about nitro vs acrylic lacquers in general (not talking about reranch specific now). I really don't know right now which is harder/better. I would also like to include spray polyU.

BTW, for what its worth duplicolor nozzle sprayed better than any can I've sprayed to date, IMHO.

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I would be interested in the results especially in the poly/U. Sounds like a great approach.

Personally, I have had great luck with Deft. No runs, no sags, no clogged nozzles and a nice spray pattern. Oh, and NO sanding in between - my favorite part. I hate sanding which makes me wonder why I am so addicted to building guitars. :D The deft also dries quickly between coats (if you spray sensibly) which makes for quicker finshing times. The only thing I don't like, and this goes for all lacquers I'm aware of, is curing time. You can handle it after about a day but I've found finger prints in mine during cooler weather. I starting wearing light cotton gloves when handling my projects to prevent this. I also let them "cure out" before I place hardware on them ("cure out" means I wait until the "smell" is almost gone).

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well gibsons are still nitro finished and you know how hard those finishes are.if you are going with spray can i thinkthose nitros are pretty good...from what i hasve heard...polyuerethane is harder but everyone says that the spray cans are not as good.

but i am no finishing expert.....i just know that nitro is pretty dang durable

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Decided to go for it, if nothing else for my own education. May turn out worthless (translated, probably will turn out worthless).

list thus far for test

1. Deft (nitro ?) lacquer

2. Rustoleum (acrylic ?) lacquer

3. Krylon (?) lacquer - note sprayed some tonight, smell different from duplicolor

4. Duplicolor (acrylic ?) lacquer

5. Miniwax gloss PolyU

6. Reranch nitro lacquer

List of tests thus far as listed in first post.


1. Will maple be fine for test samples?

2. Should I leave Maple light, stain dark, or stain very dark?

3. Would some flame be good? I think so and can search boards and get some

4. What additional clear gloss can sprays would you like to see tested? Only stipulation is it must be easy to get for everyone (ie, reranch, HD, WalMart, etc)

5. What additional tests can I do?

6. Anyone know how to determine hardness of a paint?

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