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Stiff Fretboard

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I am going for a Ebony fretboard for my 12 string, the reason behind this, is that I think it will give more strength and stiffness to the neck.

Does anyone have any other ideas on fretboard timbers which would do the same?

If you want to add stiffness, consider CF rods (if this is your main goal). Woods that can have similar strength(and you should remember this is going to vary from piece to piece) would be Bubinga(stronger pieces), Grandillo (stronger pieces), Purpleheart (stronger pieces), African Blackwood (most pieces will be stronger than Eb.). It is possible to get a weaker bit of ebony that is lower in strength than usual (grain and such can really be a bit wild in ebony at times, especially because when cutting such an expensive wood they try to get every dimensional piece they can with little regard for quality of grain, which is not the case with rosewoods, and the like). Either way two CF rods plus any other commonly used fretboard material will be stiffer than Ebony alone. You kinda start to approch a point of diminishing returns at a point (at a certain more stiffness becomes of little value). I would also offer that an EIR fretboard on a Mahogany neck should provide sufficient strength for a twelve, it has been done many times by large manufacturers without issue. So keep your perspective on why you are doing this :D .


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if you are after improved neck stiffness CF bars are the obvious answer but dont forget to take the neck wood and construction method into account. A laminated neck will genrally be stiffer than a one piece neck, especially if you work some super stiff woods into the laminations

Both these methods will be a more predictable way to add stiffness than through fretboard choice.

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The fingerboard is the next part to be glued on when I decide what type I want and if I put the C F in. ( it's not attatched to the body tho)

Being that the neck is allready tapered I will set up a straight edge with the center line of the neck runnung parrellel to it secure everything and then route

Just a point about CF rods I can't find any here in the UK with a square, and on another thread some one said that round ones are as good as square ones, with tubes being better again, has anyone any experience of this?

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Thanks Wez, I was on there site yesterday but didn't notice the square profiled rods only the round stuff, must have had my "blinkers" on,

Maybe my missus is right after all :D

after going onto the site I cannot find the 5 x 5mm rod using the site navigation or search facility, the only way I can find it is by clicking on the link you supplied me with

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