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New V Project


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Hi all,

Thinking about a new V body, the rendering is below. I need your opinions on what wood configuations I should go with;


Here's another view;


My goal is 3 different type of wood, I could even go 4, using the fourth (say ebony) as 1/4" stripes between the main pieces.

Let me know what you guys think...

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I think there's a little too much going on. It looks like it's going to be a butcher-block kind of laminating. I haven't seen this look good on a guitar yet. Take out the extra two strips of the core wood and let's have a look. Maybe a maple core, mahogany after that, then walnut on the edges.

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Too too busy. Using that many contrasting pieces of wood is way too chaotic for the eye to take in. Take a look here. Not to hark my own product or anything :D but I think if you choose to go with multiple woods, a 3 piece neck and body wings is more visually appealing than a 1 piece neck and 4 piece body wings. If I were you, I'd make a neckthrough with one-piece body wings. Because the laminates of the neck go through all the way, it lends continuity to the design. You can even use laminate strips of ebony between, like you said you were going to do, although I think that 1/4" is far too thick for laminates. You want something more like 1/16", a veneer. Check out the ACG basses for an idea of what I'm talking about.

Also, I would pick woods that complement each other, not just woods you have lying around. Take a look at a lot of multiple-wood guitars and see what combos go well. I don't see a camphor burl/zebrawood/quilt maple neck being all that appealing, for instance.

Remember that you have the fretboard to take into account, as well. That will be a different wood too.

I hope this helps. I'm just trying to say that if you piecemeal a guitar together without thinking of the aesthetic qualities of the woods, it looks a bit Alembic, or worse, too Zack :D


hahahaha, Avengers, I was posting over you so I didn't see your response, but I was going to say the exact same thing! Maple/Mahog/Walnut/Rosewood, you can't go wrong.

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Actually, the wood pictured is straight out of the Inventor content library, and NOT what I was envisioning. I'm still in the process of figuring out how to import jpg clips into the library and then applying them to the rendering. In the meantime, I figured I would get some input and hopefully the two would come together. I'll redo the rendering with the Maple/Mahog/Walnut/Rosewood combo and repost. If it doesn't work with Inventor, I'll do it with Paint Shop Pro. I'd really like to figure it out with Inventor though, It's gotten personal now.

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I think there's a little too much going on. It looks like it's going to be a butcher-block kind of laminating. I haven't seen this look good on a guitar yet. Take out the extra two strips of the core wood and let's have a look. Maybe a maple core, mahogany after that, then walnut on the edges.

OK, I'll try that and repost the result. Thanks for your time and input.

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I'd like to see another render with real wood B) Using rendering programs is too far beyond my skill. I've got the MS Paint skillz!

I just noticed that the first render has some endgrain glue joints :D uh oh!

Yeah, unfortunately, I still haven't found any "PLANE" or "SAND" commands in Inventor :D. As for the real wood, too hard on the monitor, impossible to email or download. Uses to much bandwidth according to my ISP...

God I love this place. You guy's know how to bring out the Homer in me.

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Yabadabadoo!!! I finally figured out how to add custom wood textures to Inventor. I have to admit, you were all right. The more I looked at it, the worse it looked. I tried a 2 color maple/bloodwood (or mahogany) scheme, and this is what I got;


Here is an other view.

Less is more? Any takers?

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It's getting there. Color combos are good, but stripe placement still leaves something to be desired. Why don't you experiment with different thicknesses so it doesn't look like (someone said it up there, I know) that you couldn't find a blank big enough, and that the stripes were intentional.

I also like the idea that you're trying to do with the angled pieces. Good luck gluing that :D And it's too bad that you can only see it from the side, which the general public probably won't be able to appreciate. What about doing it from the top, using different stripes angled towards the centerline following the angle of the wings, with an accent line down the centerline? It might look good.

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Now THERE'S a candy cane I'd take in my stocking! It's very... 1983. I'm having visions of Quiet Riot

So... do you just have your heart set on multiple alternating stripes? Here's what I've seen on eBay a few times.

multiple wood body 1

multiple wood body 2

I really don't think they look so good. You're on the right track, though. There's nothing wrong with multiple woods on the same body. Quite the opposite - they can be very handsome indeed. Too many woods or too many stripes... not so good.

striped star

striped tele

The tele is just two kinds of wood, but still has a "butcher block" look to it, which is what you'd end up with the way it is now. If that's what you're wanting, you're there. If not, keep refining it. I don't think you're too far off.

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Avengers63 might be right, sublimnally, the X-mas holiday probably affected my choice of colors. I'll try a rendering of Xanthus' idea of centerline and wing angle.

And by the way, there was nothing wrong with the 80's. Besides the fact that spend most of them in an alcohol induced haze, nothing at all. I wish I had all the hair I had then today.

PS. Xanthus, really like the concept of the V link you sent me. VERY classy. No shame in tooting your horn on that one.

Thanks guys.

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And by the way, there was nothing wrong with the 80's. Besides the fact that spend most of them in an alcohol induced haze, nothing at all. I wish I had all the hair I had then today.

Don't get me wrong, dude... I'm all about the 80's. I have great memories of the mullets, hair metal, and renaming 'punk' to 'new wave' to make it more acceptable. If you want a nostalgia project, I'm all for it.

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