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Luthier Than Thou


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does anyone know what happened to the luthier than thou website... it's still up, but it hasn't been updated in forever... that blog totally rules too, it's too bad... that's actually how i heard about this forum... i learned quite a bit of stuff from that site... it's a shame it's not current, but i imagine it's gotta be hard to do that, work, and build guitars... so anyway, props to the guy ant setchell or whom ever, you're blog rules, and it'd be rad to see it updated some... either way that site was really great

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I got a job!

Seriously, my job takes up a ton of time, and what little I had left has been spent on some furniture commissions I had. Soon I'll get back to guitars, and there should be some updates.

Thanks for your interest, and for keeping visiting despite the lack of updates!

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