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My Latest Build Black Walnut Sg

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Here are a couple of pics of my latest build (Build #2). It's a black walnut SG, with black walnut neck, and ebony fingerboard.

It will have all gold hardware, frets, and brass covers and brass tube for the neck side and face inlays with polymer clay filling the tubes.




It still needs some more sanding and shaping, but it's coming along.

Unfortunately it's way to cold here to spray finish. So once I get it shaped the way I like it, I'm going to be on hold for a while.


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Some wood I got at an auction a few years ago. It's from a 6' section, the trunk must have gone past a large branch, the grain was perfectly circular.

I think I paid 15 bucks for a truckload of misc wood at that sale. It was 40 degree's raining and overcast. We were all there freezing. The auctioneer was SLOOOOW. So people started leaving. We ended up with 4 truck loads of seasoned cherry and black walnut. The cheapest was 15 bucks for a truckload. I put it all up in the attic of a barn for two years to make sure it was dry (Gets hot up there) and it was, it didn't move at all. Anyway, it's almost all gone, the cherry has turned into some nice furniture, and platters on the lathe (It was a full 2" thick. Now I wish I had all the thick cherry for guitars. Oh well.

You gotta love country auctions.

Oh, I thought about oil, but I have this nitrocellulose finish that I want to learn to use.. Can't change it now, I already have sanding sealer on it.


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nice one!

looks very good.

what is that inside the bridge pup cavity on the 2nd photo? looks like a piece of metal...

odd. lol.

great work

No metal, I routed the pickup cavity, and thought the guitar was a tiny bit heavy. So I used a slot cutting bit and undercut the cavity 1/2" all around and made the cavity as deep as my router would go. The black tube looking area is where the drill bit came through from the control cavity. Since this is a one board guitar, with pickup mounting rings, I had a problem, I couldn't get a wiring channel. I tried to drill with a hex shank drill bit and a socket, it would have taken a week and still wouldn't have gone all the way through. I ended up drilling a hole from the outside bottom of the guitar, through the open control cavity, through the guitar to the second pickup cavity. To get from the first pickup cavity to the second, I drilled through the neck pocket, through the first pickup to the second.

There was no way I was going to angle to the drill bit enough to make the hole. Not enough angle. I put a matching plug in the hole on the bottom and it's almost invisible. I'm thinking about a decorative brass belt on the bottom, with the straplock in the middle, which will accent the brass and gold hardware and hide the plug. I'll have to make it up, and see if I like it.

Thanks for the complements. It's my second guitar. I have a lot to learn.


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