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Something A Bit Different.

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This is my first build and is something I did for my A level design project, its a bit different from usual so it will be nice to see what everyone thinks.

Mahogany Body with Ash edges

27" Scale

22 Frets

Two really cheap humbuckers but they will be replaced with some swineshed's when I can afford them.

Maple neck with maple fretboard

Tuned standard

The guitar is finished in polyurethene.

Before people ask, it is slightly neck heavy due to the body being very very light weight.

I can post some photos of the build in progress if anyone wants them.

Anyway feedback will be greatly appreciated.









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This pic seems pretty close to straight on.

I played with it in my paint program, and when I cut/pasted the section of the fretboard between the nut and 12th fret, and dragged it to the right, it went from the 12th fret to about the middle of the rear coil of the bridge pickup.

I realise this could still be a discrepancy in the angles and such, but it just doesn't seem right.

Could you indulge my obsessive compulsiveness and measure between the nut and 12th fret maybe?

Also, have you adjusted the intonation? The bridge saddles don't look quite right either.

Sorry for being so nitpicky, I really do like the guitar a lot, it is a fabulous design, and well executed. I just have a feeling there are a couple technical mistakes. I have been wrong on occasion, though. :D

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yeah, to me it looks like the scale length ends up in the middle of the pickup..

But even if you have made that error - you seem to have enough room between the neck and neck pickup to move the neck a bit further into the body

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This pic seems pretty close to straight on.

I played with it in my paint program, and when I cut/pasted the section of the fretboard between the nut and 12th fret, and dragged it to the right, it went from the 12th fret to about the middle of the rear coil of the bridge pickup.

I realise this could still be a discrepancy in the angles and such, but it just doesn't seem right.

Could you indulge my obsessive compulsiveness and measure between the nut and 12th fret maybe?

Also, have you adjusted the intonation? The bridge saddles don't look quite right either.

Sorry for being so nitpicky, I really do like the guitar a lot, it is a fabulous design, and well executed. I just have a feeling there are a couple technical mistakes. I have been wrong on occasion, though. :D

ahh i missed that picture, and you're right, it does only go to the bridge pickup... looks like a regular 25.5" scale neck....

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The intonation hasn't been done yet since I really haven't had time to do anything with it since finishing it due to having to write the whole project up. As for the scale length, after measuring it does seem to be not quite right as some of you are saying so I'll have a closer look at it tomorrow and done some modification during the week. Thanks for the head's up guys and I was hoping people would point things like this out since it's my first build and im not 100% on things. It's all part of the learning curve.

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nice job, it's really interesting

I have a question: these "wings" are glued, nailed, or they are set-on? you can remove them?

I was thinking in a travel guitar, similar to that silent acoustic guitars, with wings like yours, to make the guitar more compact.

I can post some photos of the build in progress if anyone wants them.

well, id'like to see them.

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The intonation hasn't been done yet since I really haven't had time to do anything with it since finishing it due to having to write the whole project up. As for the scale length, after measuring it does seem to be not quite right as some of you are saying so I'll have a closer look at it tomorrow and done some modification during the week. Thanks for the head's up guys and I was hoping people would point things like this out since it's my first build and im not 100% on things. It's all part of the learning curve.

Actually, it might turn into an opportunity to improve the design.

You can convert the heel of the neck into a fretboard extension --just measure properly before you cut away that bit of the heel. This will shift the entire neck a bit deeper into the mahogany bit, near to the edge of the humbucker --it'll help with the neck-heavy problem and it'll look a little neater too. You might be able to move the strap pin to the upper horn, since that will extend farther toward the 12th fret, again helping with the balance.

Although, depending on how much you'll need to shift the neck, you might need to trim the end of the body extension for the neck. And of course, reposition the screw holes in the heel. You should look into getting inserts for the screws too, they're liable to chew away the wood like that.

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