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Classic V Build

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By the way,my KXK v has the jack on the upper horn,close to the tip...on the back...it works very well and I think that is the optimum placement for a v

+1 Agreed. Next V will probably have that jack placement.

My brother and I spent a lot of time talking about what he wanted. He liked Black Machines but wanted a Randy V so this is what we built. It is thin. 33MM. The neck is glued in because there really wasn't room for screws. The TOM bridge is recessed and there is no neck angle. All the parts are from different Jacksons. The bridge and ferrels are from a JS30KV and the tuners are from a PS1. It has a bone nut (thanks George!) and big 6100 frets. Ebony fret board.

This guitar hated me. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. The finish refused to go on. I ended up using poly U. I had to completely sand all the deft laquer off after it yellowed. Entirely my fault for spraying to heavy but frustrating just the same. I am going back to Tung Oil.

The Jack placement is ok. But WesT has it right the place to put it is on the upper V.

The headstock is thick and I recessed the tuners slightly. Next build I will recess them more and leave the headstock thick. Looks kinda neat.

The JB4 is a nice pickup but the guitar was so thin that I was not able to use a push pull volume knob like normal and ended up with a on/on switch. I will be removing it and replacing it with a on/on/on switch so it can coil tap, full, and off. I just couldn't find the right switch in time.

Edited by RestorationAD
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It still looks pretty nice, even with the Poly U. Thanks for posting this though, because i'm going to have a somewhat similar finish on my bass, and this gives me an idea of what it'll look like. I'm satisfied with the V and the flame top, and i'd be happy to play that on stage. You can always just take the cord and wrap it over the strap pin while on stage.

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This is such a lead guitar. It has amazing sustain on single notes. Must be the thick headstock and the JB4. If I was going to play lead in a band I would play this guitar. We previewed it tonight and it sounds like Tom Morello rhythms vs Randy Rhoads leads. My brother is very happy as it came out exactly as he wanted. Attitude. Thin guitar but very alive when you play it.

The flame maple, old ebony fretboard coupled with the padauk back makes it interesting, bright and hateful. Padauk makes for very clear bass response . Very heavy sound as compared to Mahogany. If you like deep base tones I suggest Padauk as a replacement for Mahogany.

Even though it hates me it plays like a lead guitar.

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