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I Hate Ordering Stuff Offline, Only To Find Out

Thoughtless 7

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Just ordered some more stuff for my "home studio". Got an email saying it was be prepared, then another email saying part shipping and had all the stuff i ordered. Today, i get an email saying that one of my items won't arrive until the middle of June. Sometimes, i think its jsut as easy to pay the extra and get it in a store >_<

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Sorry to hear, man :D I'm in a constant struggle with the same thing every time I order something online. It's a big "cross-your-fingers" moment until the product gets to your door.

But at least I'm keeping to my vow to never buy anything major from GC or Daddy's. That's gotta count for something....?

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Hey Xanthus why don't you want to get anything from daddy's? I've had great experience with the people there being helpful and knowledgable with only one sleezy guy I've met that wants you to spend $1000+ when you say $400-600. But I do agree with what you guys say about ordering anything online. I'd rather spend $50 more and be able to see and use the product before I get it and not have to wait.

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It's all about not supporting The Man, not ordering from the big companies that upcharge everything. I'd rather shop at the little guy like Carvin and Stewmac and companies that still are big companies, just online... I know I'm rationalizing, but still :D

Carvin is a great company, and I try to give them as much business as possible, but I think that overall you can find much better deals on craigslist and ebay than Daddys and GC.

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It's all about not supporting The Man...

I'm the ecaxt same way with computer products. With the exception of Windows & Office, I refuse to use any Microsoft products. The only reason I use Office is because I got ahold of an unlicensed copy. Otherwise, I'd use OpenOffice. Windows is only because I don't want to learn Linux. XP is finally stable, so I'm not messing with it. Anything else, though, I completely refuse to use at home. I'd rather fiddle with learning something else that will work every time than mess with MS product. It's all on principle.

So yes, Xanthus... I feel ya! Stick it to the man! All yer rules are bringin' me down, man!

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Mmm, I'm the same way. I only use Windows because I don't want to be bothered having to script my own OS. I got a copy of Ubuntu a while back, and tinkered with it, but it was all too over my head. My Office was free as well :D Actually, I haven't bought any software in a few years, barring a game or two here and there.

Though Apple has put me in an armbar, because I really want one for music production..... All the best software comes out for OSX, it ain't fair!

And my iPod broke for good last week, so I guess that's two that Apple has over me :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

i would say about 75% of the items i have ordered online turned out to be on backorder. Rather frustrating i would say. Perhaps there is a benefit for them to offer items not in stock and then order direct from the manufacturer when an order (or enough orders) come in.

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