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Bubinga Or Walnut?

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Well, walnut will need a finish, and I've never seen it used for a fretboard.

Bubinga does NOT need a finish, and is used for fretboards all the time.

The math seems pretty simple for me.

If it's a bass, I'd make the whole thing out of bubinga, if it were me.

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+1 vote for bubinga. I'd look for some with a swirled or waterfall figure. That's what my daughter is going to use on her mini tele fingerboard. Of course she wants to bleach it and then stain it purple :D

Walnut is too open pored. Great wood to work with, easy to cut and shape and all, but it doesn't sand down as slick and shiny as bubinga without a thick finish or pore filling.


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+1 vote for bubinga. I'd look for some with a swirled or waterfall figure. That's what my daughter is going to use on her mini tele fingerboard. Of course she wants to bleach it and then stain it purple :D

Don't you dare let her. You're the dad, you've got executive veto powers and all that jazz :D Tell her to think about all the kids in Africa who don't even have bubinga!

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Of course she wants to bleach it and then stain it purple :D

If you're going to do that, why not just use flamed or quilted maple? The drawback is having to finish it, but even that might be less work. AND... you'd not have the heartache of messing up that expensive waterfall bubinga.

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Hey, she's 8, and I think the bleached bubinga they dye for some drums sets actually looks pretty cool.

As for the wood, the Hardwood Store of North Carolina had a web special. 15 square feet of 1/4" delivered by UPS for something like $30.

Apparently nobody ever ordered it until I called and asked for some bubinga and some maple. I live 30 minutes away and it was easier than driving there. Turns out they hadn't realized they forgot to specify domestic lumber, and didn't know the special was still online, but they'd honor it.

The offer was gone from the web site by the time my package arrived two days later. 5 8.5"x4 1/2' consecutive boards and I had no clue that the figure was unusual. So of course I wasted one board as laminates, ruined another trying to make a jewelry box, and cut one down. That cut down is what the fingerboards came from.

The two boards that are left aren't really waterfall, but they are pretty and they're bookmatched, so I'll use them for a top. I chalk it off to a $30 learning experience.


Edited by ToddW
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thanks guys! yea i was thinking about going bubinga... i want that rickenbacker look to the fretboard... i think i should visit their factory it's just down the street!

oh, the guitar im currently planning to build is inspired by those kooky airline guitars... i the JB Hutto Montgomery Airline one

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