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Yeah,I`m done now with the color coats,but on the re-reanch site they talk about four coats of clear before laying on many coats just to protect the flake,but they don`t say if you should do those coats right away or if you should wait. :D ?????????

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If it's lacquer, I just let it flash-dry a few minutes between coats. Lacquer will dry to the touch in minutes and solvents evap quickly. If you're shooting lacquer clearcoat after your color coat is perfect, just wait a few minutes too. If going with a poly clearcoat, 1/2-1 hour dry time is all you need. Been doing it this way for years but with auto paint and spray gun...not rattle can. May be a different dry time but as Brian sez, the can 'should' tell you recoat time window. If you wait too long, you'll have to scuff the dry coat before proceeding...you don't wanna sand metalflakes or kandy...trust me. If you must, use the 3M scotchbrite pad to dull it up...sandpaper will remove too much paint. Good luck.

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