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A friend of mine's Crybaby Classic is kind of broken and he told me if I can fix it i can have it, so i thought i would take a crack at it.

The problem: Every time you move the movable pedal part (the part you step on (i'm bad with words)) of the effect is moved it makes a sort of crackling sound like a plastic bag moving around. It doesn't make this sound if you move it very very slowly. I took off the back to take a look inside to make sure everything was connected, which it was. I think as well as my father who is an electrician think the problem lies with the potentiometer that the pedel twists back and forth to make the "wah wah" sound. It is very esialy removable unlike everything else inside, which leads me to think that they "die out" eventually and need to be replaced.

Do you think that this is the problem? If this does happen to be the case where could i get another pot like the one in the pedel.

I'm not good with words so just ask if you need me to explain something i wrote.


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