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I signed up to use paypal today cos im fed up of sending personal cheques. I signed up fine, so i went to complete an auction but it says that the amount (£20.02) is over my spend limit. According to the paypal site, my limit is zero! Do i have to do that 'Get Verified' and pay $1.95?

It says that getting verified will allow unlimited spending, which seems odd cos i dont have ANY kind of a limit at the mo. What have you guys done?

:D Chris

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I signed up to use paypal today cos im fed up of sending personal cheques. I signed up fine, so i went to complete an auction but it says that the amount (£20.02) is over my spend limit. According to the paypal site, my limit is zero! Do i have to do that 'Get Verified' and pay $1.95?

It says that getting verified will allow unlimited spending, which seems odd cos i dont have ANY kind of a limit at the mo. What have you guys done?

:D Chris

Did you add a credit card number to the site? You have to show a major credit card for (E Bay,Pay Pal)to draw your funds from..I signed up a long time ago and it might be probable that you'll have to do that last step as a verified user..I Know I'm shown as a verified user..


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To be verified your paypal account should also be linked to a bank account. You give them your bank account numbers and they will make 2 small deposits of around 20 cents each. You have to go to your bank a few days later and find the amounts of the deposits and report back to paypal. One word of advice. Set up a new bank account just for paypal and only keep in a little money for purchases. It's well worth the aggrevation of transferring money between two accounts. Paypal had a lot of trouble in the past with scams where people would get messages asking you to confirm your password in a certain amount of time or your account would be deactivated. Many people did this and got their bank accounts wiped clean and the banks weren't responsible. The emails looked exactly like the paypal sign in screen. Be sure to check the address bar anytime you enter passwords for anything involving money, it shoud start with HTTPS:/ the "S" is for secure. This hold true for anything on the internet. Also a lot of companies and ebay sellers will only ship to verified or confirmed addresses because thats the only way paypal will cover a product. Sorry about the novel but its all sound advice. :D


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