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Is This A Good Idea?


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I am rebuilding a 1960's Japanese short-scale bass. The neck and bridge looks like the strings are a bit close together. My question is:

I have a couple of six-string humbuckers laying around from another build. Would it be a good idea to use these for the bass rebuild? I think that a J-bass or a bass humbucker pup's magnets spacing would be too far apart for the strings. I was thinking of even purchasing some rail humbucker pups.

Comments/concerns/suggestions are GREATLY appreciated.



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I am rebuilding a 1960's Japanese short-scale bass. The neck and bridge looks like the strings are a bit close together. My question is:

I have a couple of six-string humbuckers laying around from another build. Would it be a good idea to use these for the bass rebuild? I think that a J-bass or a bass humbucker pup's magnets spacing would be too far apart for the strings. I was thinking of even purchasing some rail humbucker pups.

Comments/concerns/suggestions are GREATLY appreciated.



For what it's worth, I have an old short-scale Fender Musicmaster Bass, and when I removed the pickup cover, I was surprised to find a 6-pole pickup under there. While not a high-end bass, I would never have guessed from its sound that it had a 6-pole pickup.

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Measure the string spacing to make sure it's over the humbucker. But I'd say go for it. If they don't quite sound right, you can always swap them out for other humbucker-sized pickups. I think lipstick pups would be worth a try, too. They sound heavenly on baritone, that might carry over to bass, plus they won't mud up and you don't have to worry about string spacing.

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Theoretically, the pole spacing should be the only consideration. So for expirementation, it shouldn't matter. I don't see any reason why a typical guitar pickup shouldn't have plenty of bass response. Try tuning your low E a few octaves down and you'll see what I mean.

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