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Emergency Question

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I found a piece of quilted maple thats on ebay, and it's ending in 2.5 hours. It is 9/16 thick

The question is;

Can I get a nice carved top out of this if I use it for my cap?

I want to do a slight carve like the new music man petrucci model....

Right at 1/4" thick..... Yes, but it'd be a fairly shallow carve, and you'd want some kind of binding to hide how thin the top really is.

Nothing wrong with using it as a flat-top. Just sayin'.....

Edited by avengers63
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I found the piece on Ebay, and it's $30 plus shipping and handling

23 x 6-1/8 x 1-3/16

It is a board, and the offer free re-saw for bookmatching the saw takes of 1/8.

Here's a pic of what I think it will look like bookmatched:


And I found this guy too:


Really nice quilted maple, and a "too low to believe" price

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Is that 6 and 1/8th" enough to cover the whole guitar when bookmatched? When you bookmatch it your going to get a sheet 12 and a quarter", by 23" by 9/18th".

For some reason, I cant seem to remember how wide guitars are. :D

It all depends on the shape. MOST are under 13" wide, but there are plenty that are more. That's one reason I got the bandsaw I did: it'll do 6 7/8", so I can split a top for most of the bodies I do.

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