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Posting Separate Pages In Projects Section

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How do you post separate pages for the same project in the projects section? I'm sure it's easy to do and probably easy to figure out, but I'm stuck on it. I'm hopefully going to get started again on my LP project and would like to avoid posting (again) as one big giant page.

Thanks for any help.

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why do you not want to keep all posts about 1 guitar in the same place - it makes a lot more sense

I do want to keep them in one place. Just trying to do it in multiple pages instead of one great big one. I might have worded the first post wrong. I am trying to figure out how other projects are broken up into multiple pages within the same project. Example - Project: Super-thin by Avenger63 currently has 4 pages.

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its just down to number of posts. anything over 14 posts goes onto a new page. Some forums allow you to change this amount in your ocntrol panel, not really sure if this one does or not

Well.. I guess that now makes sense. I should do multiple short updates rather then one big long one. Thanks WezV. :D

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