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Getting Rid Of Dents On A Neck Through

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I am interested in finding out how I can fix these dents on the back of the guitar near the end of the neck. The guitar is currently unfinished. It has never been finished and it can either be glossed or oiled. I have hear of using fillers, or even putting some gloss in the dent. I want this guitar to come out as best as possible. Please refer to picture to get a sense of the dent area. Thanks all!

The dent is on the back of the neck going towards the right horn


Edited by GuitarMan686
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You basically have to steam it out.

Take some warm water and soak the area of wood where the dents are. With something like clothes iron and a damp rag, heat the dented area as much as possible being careful that the area always stays wet/moist.

That should bring the wood back as much as possible.

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Sounds pretty simple. What grades would I need to sand with?

start with 180ish for the dent and do yourself a favour and do the whole guitar with 240- 360 at the very least. you may not think it needs it but it will benefit it... your handsanding will be more thorough than the guy at the factory did. take a few hours over it and enjoy it! it will be worth it in the end

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Do you think the entire body and neck should be sanded? Also would this need to be sanded by hand or with a handsander? It doesnt have any finish on her so I was thinking some sanding would be necessary before she gets her gloss or tru oil finish.

For natural finishes, I always sand to 400 grit. Always use a sanding block.

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