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Vox Student Amp


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I've been scanning the web for any mods for this cool little amp to no avail.

They are not easy to find but at the moment It's been having a hard time cranking the way it used to.

I replaced the tubes with direct replacement tubes but it still has trouble.

If any of you have any ideas about modding this little beast I'd be interested in hearing what you think.

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what is the exact model?

thers a lot of things that could cause a loss in volume.

It is a Vox Student Model. They had a huge run back in the 60's and they're powered by radio tubes that are or were readily available back then but Now, Not so much. I'm going to try and build on what they have in it but with a 12AX7 and a 6V6 IF they will operate with the current electronics or get someone to mod it with easily obtained tubes of todays amps. I wanted to throw the Idea out here to see if anyone knew of any mods before moving onto more drastic measures.

Edited by PerryL
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NOS radio tubes aren't too hard to find if you know where to look. Lot of hams out there with boat anchor tubes from back in the day. Find yourself a good tech that can bias the beast and look over the circuits for leaking caps, crumbling insulation/shorts, and failed pots.

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