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Two 8 String Designs I'm Working On


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Hey guys

I'm a LONG time lurker here at the PG forums, after learning a lot from here I also want to make my modest contribution to this community so I'll start by posting a couple multi-scale designs I've been working on, both neck-throughs.

I'm looking to start work on the prototype of one of these early in the new year and need some critique.

Number 1



Number 2



They still need a bit of tweeking, for example the string angle after the nut on the lowest string is a bit wayward. I'm interested in peoples opinions though. Which do you prefer, what kind of wood combinations do you think would look good with these shapes.


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I think they look really well planned out. professional, even.

#1 immediately made me think of this : http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=44161&view=findpost&p=486851

and # 2 is similar to a design I have, only more 'tall' but eerily similar. It looks like a laughing ghost of a big blue whale to me. My design- not yours. Yours is very "bass" like, and I don't mean the fish.

I think build # 1 will look good with some nice quilt maple/ sunburst

build # 2 lends itself to solid colors . Black . with some nice white binding.

but thats just my opinion, take it for what its worth.

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Thanks! I see what you mean about the similarities, I think a lot of it is the continuous curve between the two horns on both of the designs!

I have some straight grained bubinga I was thinking of using for the second one, interesting you say solid colour though. I do think that would suit it.

Heres the bubinga anyway:


Is your design online at all, I'd be interested to see it.

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Thanks for the feed back guys!

I like both designs...very clean. However, I would re-think the split headstock.

Thanks again, is that due to strength + practicality or aesthetics.. or both? Headstocks are often the hardest part to get right I find!

Personally I'm sure it will be strong enough.

I could, perhaps narrow the slit slightly so there is more meat however the thickest headstock the tuners drawn on the plan (schaller m6 minis) can be mounted to is 15.5mm according to the site which is quite chunky. And the headstock is quite small so adding the extra thickness shouldnt cause a balance issue.. I guess this is why we make prototypes eh!

I am really interested to hear opinions on the headstock design itself though!

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I can't beleive I didn't mention the headstock.

I do like the inverse angle at the end, but the 'slot' makes it kind of tuning-forkish. I don't think strength is a huge issue, but finishing might not be too fun inside that little groove.

Also, since you're still designing - might want to angle the sides of the HS a little bit more to get straighter string pull.

Then again, you might like em just how they are. :D

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Nah, nah. Look what he did. You have fairly straight string pull on the high strings, where you need it for bending. The bass strings have a crooked string pull, but it won't matter as much there. It's brilliant. As for strength, I wouldn't think there would be any problems. Again, it's heavier on the bass side, where you'll have more tension.

If the headstock were symmetrical, there might be a different story.

-gjdk-, if you can build half as well as you can design, you could end up being a rather impressive builder.

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Thanks alot for the kind replies!

Funny you mention a tuning fork dpm99, that was my inspiration!

About the string pull, it is straight enough to funtion for each string as dpm99 pointed out, however I generally like totally dead straight strings.

I dont really want to alter the shape of this headstock as I personally really like the proportions.

You raise a good point about finishing the inside of the slot, something I had thought of, it may be a challenge but im sure i can think of something >.>

I have a set of eight TUSQ saddles for a Wilkinson style bridge for sale. Interested? I think I actually bought a bunch of hex bolts and brass inserts for mounting them also. I'm a big CAD geek also!

This does sound very interesting, any pics?

I'm lucky enough to have a laser cutting machine and I use these plans to make the templates so I do get a bit obsessed with it!!

I used corel draw 12 for these ones if you where wondering.

Possible neck combo


Would also look at carbon fibre strips running either side of the wenge laminates to stability as I like quite thin necks and the nice black pinstripe would add to contrast of the two darker woods..



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Yeah, so would I!

As this will be a personal guitar I do have a couple builds to get done before this one starts but as I have most of the wood I'll be using already anyway its pretty hard to resist just starting asap.

I'll make a build thread when I do though :D

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