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Question about pickup plane and neck angle (and single-cut progress pics!)

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Hello! I have a pretty simple question about pickup plane/neck angle, and how they fit together.

I've got my neck angle cut (so that if I project it, it intersects the bridge where I want it to). I've cut the pickup plane so that it starts juuuust in front of where the fretboard will end, and finishes just in front of the bridge.

My question is this - I've got kind of 5mm-ish between the end of the pickup plane and the end of the fretboard (depending on where I decide I want my fretboard to end) - I guess this gives me a bit of room to sand the transition between the pickup angle and the rest of the body smooth. Is this right, or should I move the pickup plane very slightly back, or am I waaaaaay overthinking this (I suspect it's this)?! I feel like as long as I don't sand into the neck plane where my fretboard will eventually be glued then I'm probably good?

Hopefully everything is clear from the image - I had a thick pencil area over the centreline so I could see where my cutting started/ended.



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29 minutes ago, peachtree said:

am I waaaaaay overthinking this (I suspect it's this)?

I guess you're right. If you think about LP style guitars and their pickup rings, the bridge one is usually taller to match the neck break angle. But that's not always the case, they even sell thin sheet metal rings. Same with archtop hollow bodies.

That wood looks gorgeous, by the way!

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Thanks all for your comments! All makes sense - I've finished my planing and have something I'm decently happy withย ๐Ÿ˜„

The top is camphor laurel - my bright idea was to try and use all Australian woods for this build - so camphor for the top and Tassie blackwood for the neck and body.

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