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Starting another bass

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This is a 1-piece western maple body blank I got from my work for $10 :D . I have a SWEEEEEEET piece of burled claro walnut purchased from notable-woods on ebay, that I will be using as a top on the maple. I'kll get pics of the walnut in the next few days.

That's all I know right now. I'll probably make the neck exactly like the last one. I might do a way different body design, one that will support a fanned fret(less) system...don't know yet.

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don't like frets,eh?

Fretting isn't my strong point in instrument building, so if I don't really have to add then, ill just leave 'em out. :D I don't know, maybe I'll fret this one? When I made the first one I took it to the store I consigned it at and I let a guy play it, and he said if it had frets it'd probably sell that day, especially if it had a Bartolini(sp?).

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Do you plan to do fret lines then?

I may be wrong but it seems to me that if you plan to do fanned frets, the dots will be all screwed up as far as intonation goes from bass to treble strings?

Also, how are you gonna calculate distances, etc? Is there some nifty tool I don't know about somewhere....

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Do you plan to do fret lines then?

I may be wrong but it seems to me that if you plan to do fanned frets, the dots will be all screwed up as far as intonation goes from bass to treble strings?

Also, how are you gonna calculate distances, etc? Is there some nifty tool I don't know about somewhere....

Don't know if I'm even gonna do the fanned fret system yet. Lines would help, but then I gotta slot the board.

To calculate the fret positions devide the scale lenght by 17.817152, then you get the distance from the nut to the first fret, then minus that distance from the scale lenght, then devide again. I would just have to do it for the bass and treble side is all. Just not sure yet.

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