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Im new at playing guitar. i was wondering if anyone could help with some things and give me some tips on what i should start learning, what equipment i should get and so fourth. i have a crate 120 watt amp used and im not sure what modle it is, a boss mt-2 pedal and a bronze series warlock i got for free ( i know its not the best guitar) but im also want to know if this guitar is good http://www.villagephotos.com/pubbrowse.asp...selected=804392

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best way to start imo is to start by gettin tabs of your favorite songs that are easy to play, then once your all set and can play basic stuff then go get lessons, also equipment wise if your just startin out get cheap stuff if you already have a guitar and amp dont go buy more stuff until your sure you wanna keep playing equipment is expensive dont waste your money if your just gonna quit and then sell your stuff afterwards

on that guitar its personal opinion go play it if you can if you like then get it


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There's also a great value in getting lessons from someone. They can see and hear you play and make suggestions on what and where you can improve. It's like learning to drive a car or ride a bike. Someone shows you what they know and talk you through it. It saves a lot of time in the end.

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get a great teacher. that will allow you progress at a much faster pace. take it from me, i learned for about 5 months by ear and got far but the next 6 months with lessons (plus practicing 5-10 hours a day and a ton of drive) got me to the top of my game. I've been playing for just under a year and im better than kids who have been playing for about 9 years.

Teachers are everything

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i agree with snork. i learn for two years, learning on my own, by ears and books that i bought, learning tabs on the net and stuff. but then, on my third year of learning, a friend came by and open me up with stuff that i've never know... which in particular, shred music. he teach me the scales, mode, fingering exercise.... stuffs.... even if i still can't play like a shredder, i can play an extra faster than what i can, two years back. get a teacher or someone that can guide you better. auido is good. text is good. with visual... you're up to advancement in no time...

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oh yeah and BTW tab is not learning music. You're just memorizing notes. you dont understand how the song works. trust me if you want to learn how to shred. lol i actually am quite the shredder, and learn to shred quick get a teacher to explain to you key signitures then learn pentatonic major and minor scales. yes memorize both. learn to see the scales as one and not separate patterns. then soon youll be able to come up with your own lick. then a song. then youll just get closer and mor accustomed to playing. then just week by week you get better and better. or at least thats what happened to me. dont spend your time learning songs. they may be a quick way for your friends to say wow your cool you know some clapton and if you go this method they'll say that you suck. but in the end youll be shredding in their face and just chuckling at how stupid they look. (thats what happened to me) once you have learned the 2 scales and get a feel for them try playing with a bassist or someone playing chords. this is a great way to truly develop chops. its my favorite way at least. then you can learn some songs and improvise in the solos and make it sound like YOUR song. then after that learn to sight read (im working on that part) and then learn some jazz. man if you do that youll be SET. thats how to be a knowledgable guitar player. The rest is just from the heart.

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I agree, lessons or at least a book with chords and scales so you can come up with your own stuff, copying other ppl´s work will be boring after awhile. As far as the gear you have, for someone starting out sounds good ,all I had was a fender stratocaster no amp or anything else.What equipment is good all depends on the style of music you play,check out the players corner here in the forum lotta nice folks in there and they can give you advice about what you may need.

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