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I'm headed to the George Lynch/Yngwie Malmsteen show tonight. I've been looking forward to this for a long time. George was the guy who first got me into playing (by listening to his Dokken stuf back in the 80's). He has some great stuff but like Yngwie - some of the songs with a singer tend to be not-so-good. His instrumentals are awesome though (I Will Remember, Tiera Del Fuego, Mr. Scary, ...)

George is opening and Yngwie gets to be the big shot (I have a feeling Yngwie wouldn't have it any other way :D ).

Anyway, I'm bringing the skull guitar with me and I hope I can get it signed. I've been told that George sets up a table after his show and signs things (and sells stuff) and is really good about signing anything you want. He can't sign the front unless it's an ESP though but I would rather have a sig on the back. That is, of course, if I have the guts to bring it in - not sure about that.

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I have seen that which is malsteen, currently there is a really loud ringing in my ears and i hafta sleep so i can drive back to school tomarrow mornin a report to follow tomarrow night mayb

Haaa - me too. I still can't hear right.

Well, I was a little pissed about the way the equipment was handled. We had one good opener (brutal biscuit?) followed by an OK opener which took way too long to get ready (due to equipment - somebody forgot to tell the guitar player how to turn something on the rack on).

When George finally made it on, his sound was totally screwed up - all we could hear (mid-left front stage) was the singer, bass and drums with a hint of guitar. After the first song (I think?), he grabbed the mic, and complained angrily (something like this)"You know- it's nice that the headline band and everyone else get's a 4 hour sound check and this band doesn't even get a single f**ing note!". Man, he looked pissed! I would be too. Anyway, they seemed to improve on it as they went along. He was about 10 feet away when playing Mr. Scary with his skull guitar - Sweeet!!!!!!! He was really very aggresive - I wasn't expecting that after seeing his training videos where he's so relaxed.

Yngwie was awsesome. He's in complete control of his guitar. After a while of sweeping arpeggios (incredibly fast of course), I was hoping he would spend time doing something else but I guess that just the way he does it.

I wanted to get my guitar signed. I went to the wrong booth and asked where to meet George for signing things. They guy told me after the show when Yngwie is done. It didn't sound right to me - I heard George did his signing right after his show.

After screwing around many times back and forth, I finally caught George as he was leaving the booth. I was sooo pissed, nervous, .... I yelled his name as he was turning away three times - he finally heard me and turned around. I lifted up my guitar (with LEDs on :D ) and he made the universal sign for signature - and I nodded. So he signed it BUT, nobody will be able to tell what the hell it says - it's just a bunch of scratches and what looks like a face with it's mouth open.

Sorry for the long post - it was a long night.

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what does 10 vintage marshall 100 w tube heads, 10 vintage marshall cabinets and yngwie playin 6 million miles an hour??? my ears still ringin the day after and its 130 in the afternoon, good god that was a crazy show. my first time seeing malsteen and i was 2nd row center stage. it was good to see someone that actually still has the ablity to play, to me it didnt seem like he was playin alotta sweep arpegios it looked like he was pickin out every note but nevertheless it was incredibly fast, kinda disappointed he didnt play black star he only played a couple bars from it, it was totally worth the 15 i paid too especially when lookin through the first couple rows i could see every single person was just standing there in awe not moving during the solos


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I wanted to stay to hear Black Star but I have a lower back problem that was really bothering me. I bailed before the end of Yngwie's set. I thought for sure he would play it maybe as his encore. That was the one song I was really hoping to hear - that and maybe Crying - did he play that?

As for the sweep arpeggios / picked, ... that's not what I really meant - just that he does the up/down arpeggio so much! He's awesome - I just like a little variety. I guess I would do it too if I could :D

P.S. I'm really a George Lynch kinda guy but I have a huge amount of respect for Yngwie. I just need to be in the mood for Yngwie since his style is very defined - I think that's the only reason I don't listen to him more often.

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