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where can I get Warwick bodies?

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well, if you can't find em, build em! just try to have a close look at the design at remember it by heart and with some luck and confidence (a butt load of it of course), you can have it on your own.

my 2cents opinion. :D

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The problem with the Thumb bass is that it is CARVED to the max: the entire back is concave, the whole front is convex, the edges are rounded 100% of the way around, and the horns are basically cylindrical. If you want to build a replica, you'd better have your spokeshave ready!!!

As for the finish, do what the Warwick customer service recommended to me:

Use a few coats (I did about 5) of the Warwick Surface Finishing Wax that you can buy on MusiciansFriend.com as per the instructions on the can, and then finish with a light coat of tung oil. Voila!

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