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Drill Bit Size?

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Was wondering what size drill bit ya'll use to drill your holes for a Gotoh Tuneomatic bridge and tailpiece. I have tried, on scrap of course, a 7/16", too big, then a 3/8", too small, then a 13/32", still too small! Should I be looking metric? Or is there some secret?!



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Well, I dunno about Gotoh, but if they use the same sized bushings (which they should, I'd imagine) as the Tonepros ones, the spec sheet someone directed me to yesterday shows that they are 6.976/16ths, or just microscopically smaller than a 7/16th. I dunno why they're that particular size, and even in metric there are no drill bits that are an exact match...? 10.9 mm is what I get (without actually sitting down and making sure my math is right). Unless you're obsessive-compulsive about the perfection of the hole, though, I don't see why you don't just drill one that's barely smaller using the 13/32nds one, and then stick some sandpaper around a bit of dowel or similar and sand it out the fraction of a fraction of an inch it needs. :D


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