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Wtb, a bass guitar....yup thats it


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Ok guys, i have beenon the search for a bass guitar for ages, after checking out shops around my area, i find that theres nothing that piques my interest, so im turning to you guys for help.

I currently reside in Bristol in the Uk, i have about £200 $350 to spend on a bass guitar ((has to include postage and packaging))

This is to be used a backup to my current bass guitar.

I will preferably want either a 6 string, or any weird/wonderful looking 4 string basses from the 80's maybe. it must have no mechanical problems or faults, Im not fussed on pickup configurations or anything like that, its only bass :D hehe. Its basically a guitar with 1 string and 3 spares anyway:).

|I do like bright and brash colours. Such as hot pink and luminescent green.

But you know, make me an offer on a bass and i may just take it B).

As you can guess im a little desperate ^^.


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Hmm its interesting, what sort of condition is it in, and does it have a maple fingerboard out of interest>?

Thing is, for the money i will be having to pay for shipping i might as well buy one over here lol. it'll be about the same price.

I will wait a few more days to see what other members can come up with. but that sounds rather coo^^ .

Btw if you send packages over seas then it would easier to unbolt the neck and put it all in one big box. not one long one.


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Btw this is Asomodai at my mates house ^^.

Yeah im afraid im not that interested in 5 strings at all, they generally arent comfortable with me, i cant play 5 string basses but i can play4, 6 and 8 strings but not 7 ? lol its weird.


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Hey hey, I dont know if you're still looking but I have one of those

rare 80's bass guitars..

Its a red ESP Vintage series mid 80's 4 string bass.

They dont even show in many catalogs that these were ever made.

Anyways, just throwing that out here...

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