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Routing for Pickups

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I made a template today in woodshop (I also worked on my neck too, its almost done now)

Heres what I am doing, I got a peice of plywood, made a rectangle the size of a pickup, no tabs though... anyways, cut it out with the scroll saw and then grabbed the glunge router and marked out from the outside edge of the bit to the edge of the router, then marked that on the wood did this for all 4 sides then squared it up so its a big square, and then put wood on these edges nailed to the plywood, so its a good base and i clamp it to the body


heres the kicker, I planned on routing them tommorow, but the tabe for the pickup, since I never installed a pickup i my life, does the tabs on the pickup have too be routed in a bit??

The pickups are Seymour Duncan 59 model



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2 Q's...

sounds like you're going to use router guides that just contact the base, i did this before i could afford a template bit, infact i just clamped the guides to the guitar body it's self, but i would imagine a school wood shop would have a template bit somewhere wouldn't they?

the ears are usualy routed at the same time yes, unless you're planning on doing something special??

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I just wasnt sure if the "ears" had the be the same depth? i planned on doing them with a Dremel if they werent, but if they are i can route them too,

The school does not have a template bit, I asked, they only have 1 plunge router with 3 bits, big, medium and small, well, they have a table router with lots of bits for it too

Yes, the peices of wood on the plywood are fences for the router



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