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be honest here

Curtis P

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I don't think you understand how to ear-train. You don't listen to a piece, shut it off and then magically start playing it. Pick it apart in small chunks and play along with it to learn the timing and the feel in addition to learning the actual notes.

When i was learning, i played along to music videos. For hours at a time. I'd tape the ones i liked and go back and play, pause, rewind, repeat. Pick songs apart and learn them piece by piece, and wouldn't stop until i had them nailed. And i'm not talking about the solos... learn the rhythm parts.

I also used to put on albums and do the same. I got to the point where i was playing along to Def Leppard's Hysteria album, note-for-note, beginning to end. (I know i'm probably dating myself here, but that was a great album to learn from, because it was so precise and had so many layers of really cool guitar stuff to learn.)

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what bout my friends method? just goof around with it and go from there?

i could combine the 2 i suppose

goof around with it while listening and pausing, rewinding listening again, goof around with it for a bit


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If you want to really learn and train your ear, i think "goofing around with it" is going to slow your progress. You need a disciplined approach to really improve from where you are. "Goofing around with it" will give you too much leeway to keep making the mistakes you're already making.

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I will be the first to be honest with you, I listened to all three links, you have got the notes in your mind and remember them but that is all I heard, I dont want to be harsh with you but all I heard was a kid remembering the notes of the songs, you need to develop your sense of feelings, bring it from your heart and soul and feel the song, dont play it. Try your hands at a Classical peice and see what comes from it, maybe tears roll down your face as you play it or laughter comes to you, feelings are hard to explain, they come from deep within you, when you play a rythym, become that rythym, feel it with the emotions it brings to you, it will show in your music, you have the ability to make other people feel emotions through music, that is what makes a good guitar player, one that can make you cry, make you dance, make you feel life through a song, work on the emotion part of it, hey you never know, one day you may make the whole world sing together, now wouldnt that be a great thing, keep working at it.

man, that was deep :D

although i dont think id ever say something like that, i do agree with you - but i also think, youve got to be good enough to truly be able to express your feelings on an instrument.

some people choose to study an instrument in an acedemic environment for years and years so they can totally and utterly express themselves. Other people (like me) prefer to just play and learn to satisfy myself - its not like once day it will just click and ill be like "oh, now i can totally express myself" B) its just something ill always be striving for, and ill let my music interests take me where they will.

Anyway, my point was just that its all good to preach the spiritual part of playing an instrument, but at the end of the day, doesnt matter how spiritual you are if a total newbie picks up a guitar they arent going to be able to rip up a storm :D

My point? Just play, your thinking about it too much curtis, listen to whatever music takes your fancy and play it for fun, the rest will come naturally over time.

- Dan

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honestly , i think that for 3 years playing your doing pretty well. It has taken me 6 or 7 to truly get comfortable with the guitar. As has been mentioned before, you should probably play acoustic some more. I have found it beneficial in the past, it forces you to let your fingers to the talking and not rely on fancy effects to make it sound cool. just keep it up, some day it`ll all fall into place nicely.

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not by ear, but something i thought i would share anyways


ohh, by the way, when it goes really quiet, thats not dynamics :D something messed up with the cord, and you miht her me say something, what the hell or something

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You're getting better by the day. :D Your sense of rhythm is definitely improving. I -always- want to hear you playing over a backing track of sorts, though; as its hard to tell sometimes just with a solo instrument! :D

Maybe I'll make up a tutorial some day... or maybe not, because it'll take me 5 pages to say what could have been said in 1. B)

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The "You Really Got Me" wasn't exactly right-- you had the intervals of the main notes correct, though, which is a good thing. That's OK, Van Halen didn't do it right either, and he knows it; but he did a cool version.

The Amazing Grace was so short and muffled that I only listened to it once, so I don't know if it was right. :D

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I finally went to this site PowerTab after downloading the software. B)

The software is great and the site contains lessons and music.

As a song plays it highlights the notes in tab that are being played. It's very helpful and you can even write music with it so it will continue to help for a long time.

There's also a forum for users. :D

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I finally went to this site PowerTab after downloading the software. :D

The software is great and the site contains lessons and music.

As a song plays it highlights the notes in tab that are being played. It's very helpful and you can even write music with it so it will continue to help for a long time.

There's also a forum for users. B)

:D:D maybe its the way you worded it?? i dont get what you mean


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What worked for me since i started out like you wanting to play metal was what my teacher taught me. He asked what kinda music are you wanting to play i said metal/chops..like petrucci,vai,satch....so he said ok we're gonna learn about the "blues". So i went and put my electric down and started working with my acustic, i must say i was quite amazed at how much more of a "musical pallet" i had learning the blues and basics such as penatonic scales and how that would eventualy tie into metal/chops. I was also opened to a more wide range of players i had overlooked before. But hey whatever makes ya happy....keep it up you sound pretty good for 3 years.

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I finally went to this site PowerTab after downloading the software. :D

The software is great and the site contains lessons and music.

As a song plays it highlights the notes in tab that are being played. It's very helpful and you can even write music with it so it will continue to help for a long time.

There's also a forum for users. :D

B):D maybe its the way you worded it?? i dont get what you mean


If you go to that link you will find lots of songs & lessons available for downloading for free. That link to the site will also explain the software better than I can. I've found it VERY useful and well worth the download.

In order to view and play those songs you need the Power Tab software.

This software will play a midi file of the song as well as display the sheet music & tablature. It highlights which notes are being played as the song is being played on your computer. You can change the tempo if you want to slow down a difficult part of a song.

You can also use this software to write your own compositions. Many of the files also have the bass lines as well. :D

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That's the ring tone on my cell phone, hehe. :D

The last few notes sound flat but your getting closer.

Good way to train your ear B)

I like listening to saxophone lines (mainly King Curtis) and putting them to guitar too.

I used to write down what I figured out as the songs got more complicated and longer. You can use that Power Tab program too.

Play that funky music White Boy! :D

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You are doing great for someone who hasn't been playing that long! There has been lots of good advice given here regarding feel and touch, and I agree with it all. Don't forget to learn some of the (boring) technical stuff, though. Learn the location of every note on the fretboard (it's not that hard, take your time, one string per day) and start learning the basic movable scales (here). The scales are great for warming up, and will form the foundation for knowing how to relate lead to your chord progessions as you write. Learn the circle of fifths, and how the chords relate to each other. I know this seems like a lot of theory, but it's realy not, and I DO know how boring that stuff can be. The theory will help you understand how the music works together, and give you more "feel" for the song, which will translate into your playing.

BTW, the magazine at the 7-11 was probably Guitar World, BUY IT!!!! The current issue has a ton of good info on practice regimentation, and how to improve. I bought two extra copies so I could cut it apart and tape together the good parts.

The last thing I would suggest is to find someone to play with. Why are you learing to play guitar? To sit around in your bedroom and shred? No, to play in front of others. That means with other musicians. The earlier you get used to timing yourself to another persons playing (even if THEIR timing sucks!!!!!) the better bandmate you will be. I remember the first band I joined, I had only been playing about 1.5 years, and the other guitarist was a flat out SHREDDER (who couldn't keep time to save his life). I learned more, in a shorter period of time, than I had before or since. Being responsible to the other members of the band to know your part and the other guitarists part of 35-45 songs will drive you to practice more than anything else!!!

Good luck, and keep practicing! :D

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I now the notes, i took lessons for a couple months, but my teach was a weiner, lol, he said i wasnt doin any better cuz i wanted to play was metal and such, i had it stuck in my head, metal first, theory last, well, now theory first and playing what i want last, thanks for the link by the way, since I do not know scales

Darren, lol, glad you liked my funk :D


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