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hey, i was wondering what material is used for making clear pickguards. i tried plexiglass cause it was avaible at home, but it cracked, to my disgust... maybe i shouldn't have used a jigsaw... :D



what where you using when it cracked? i use my scroll saw for the fine detail stuff, or a router, chances are you're blade wasn't fine/sharpe enough...


it might have enn, im not sue how old it was

what mterial do you use?

yeah i was planning on using a router for the pickup holes and that stuff...

darn...everything im doin requires a scroll saw...

oh well


i tihnk plexiglass is too brittle... and i liked your pickguards... speaking of floyd roses i need a temelo bar.... thanks for remindng me withyour link :D


ya, the low end acrylic at home depot is kinda... well... cheap, drilling plexiglass is pretty tricky i usualy do it at the highest speed on my drill press, almost melting the bit thru, cause it likes to shoot up the bit and crack right after you go all the way thru. I use the cheap stuff for pickguards and the high grade stuff from local plastics shops for templates.

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