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Fender showmaster guitars


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Anyone play this new guitar from Fender, I was a guitar center today, and picked up three of them, they all had major problems with them, althought the finish was nice...

The neck joint was patched up with something on two of the guitars, and on the third guitar the fretboard had all this white powder all over it. :D

I plugged one in and it had no feeling at all, a dry dry sound guitar...

What is fender trying to do with these guitars? Go after the cheap les paul copies? I have had a couple of those and at least those are somewhat ok...

any thought?

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What can you expect! Most of the strats are the same way, bad tuners, pickups, bridges, necks, etc. you think that clapton and jimi are using stock ones?

take any piece of wood and add 1g worth of parts and you got a guitar.

Just what you start with depends on your final outcome of your tone and playability.

That all my opinoin, if you love fender great.

I just dont and never will!

Death rock dont ever come with pickguards!

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^^ if you think that you'll never find a guitar worth playing for under a thousand dollars, i believe that you're not only missing out on a lot, but pretty closed-minded also.

take any piece of wood and add 1g worth of parts and you got a guitar
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Hmm.. That's a shame to hear, really.. The Fenders (American ones) that I've tried have all been excellent all round.. Pricey though, but I guess you do pay in part for the name too..

I'm just wondering if the ones that Fender exports (ie out of America) are of better quality?? Is that possible?? Just a thought 'cause the American made Fenders I've tried here in Singapore have all been of very high quality and, in my experience, some of the best playing guitars I've tried.. :D

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