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First guitar

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Hi everyone,

I'm now in the beginning stages of actually making my first project, the design has changed a little since last time I posted (see here)

I've finally bought all the parts, from various sources


Alder body blank

Maple Mighty Mite Strat Neck

Mighty Mite Hardtail Bridge

Gotoh tuners

Kent Armstrong HPAO-1 and HRO-1A humbuckers

Series/split/parallel switching on both pickups

Kill switch

After playing around with headstock decal designs, I've realised that on a strat headstock, only one style really looks right, so here it what I've ended up with!

So far, i've only cut out the routing templates for the body and pickguard (photo)

Actual work on the blank will hopefully start in a week when i get access to a router!

Let me know what you think of my design


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Y'know, I like it and I think the fenderish vibe you get from the pickguard is a good thing, not all guitars need to be maple capped, clear coated carved tops now do they?

Lookin' good! Don't see all that many block colour guitars on here... I know why after refinishing one of mine recently, without the proper kit it is a pain in the bum.

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Thanks for the feedback guys

The model was made using Solid Edge 3D CAD software , I got an academic licensed version from uni, took a long time to produce it, but was a welcome distraction from my final year dissertation! I also managed to get 1:1 scale plans printed out on the uni plotter for free before i left (bonus!!). The best thing about making a 3d model is you can make all the mistakes and adjustments before even touching expensive wood!


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The model was made using Solid Edge 3D CAD software

Hey davros, I am using Solid Edge as well. Did you fully contour the back of the neck on your solid model? (Particularly the heel and volute/headstock transitions) I have been having trouble approximating the contours with Solid Edge. What are your thoughts?

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Modelling the neck was a tricky one! In the end, since i was buying it instead of making it, i didn't model it in too much detail - the heel is simply a block, and the rest of the neck a loft from the heel to the nut. It was enough for me to see hoe it would look

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Well, after two days of routing, drilling and (jig)sawing - vee have ze body! :D



Still to do - Drilling jack hole (got to get a bigger bit first) and routing pickguard (need a chamfer bit), filling slight tearout and dings, then painting! woohoo!

I've bolted the whole thing together, and it balances well, and feels fantastic - the strat-style contours really help!


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that really looks good, I know that you were going with the pickguard, ( I don't like them) but it looks great, ( can't imagine how that shape will look without it) and the placement of the pickup switch is better than the place were Gibson does on the LP, I keep tripping on mine :D . keep us posted with your progress...

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Try getting to the photos from here

link to album

I had just written a progress report for today but accidentally hit back twice (dunno quite how - some kind of shortcut) and lost the lot...bummer! I can't face writing it again right now...so will leave it for the next installment!!

In brief...

Routed pickguard - looks great with chamfered edge

Drilled jack hole - with new 22mm bit

Started filling worst of the dings

til next time :D

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Ok, so here's the finished (built) guitar in all its glory! Just grain filling, sealing and painting to go!!!

The hardest thing is to resist stringing it up, and touching it too much, as i don't want to get greasy patches on it before finishing - i purposely didn't buy any strings so i can't - i'm so weak to the temptation otherwise!!

Hope you guys like it!



The white spots are just filler - but not an issue since i'm going to block colour it!

I'm pretty pleased with the contours especially - had to resort to a good old plane for the arm rest and a coping saw for the gut cutout - took ages but was definately worth it - makes you feel like you've put some real sweat and effort into it!

Hope you guys like it...not bad for 2 days and 2 evenings work i don't think...not including 3 months of planning!!!! I think that must be the key, plan 'til you can't plan any more!!

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