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Everything posted by MzI

  1. if you want blues based check out like black label society, hendrix, zeppelin, also for metal there is always megadeth to give you a lil challenge and change from tallica MzI
  2. i dont know bout welding brass not my area, but if you do, do sumthin like that make sure its good and straight you dont wanna be puttin frets in at and angle i wouldnt think MzI
  3. just my opinion but id stay away from a pickguard dont wanna take away from the natural beauty of the flamed maple MzI
  4. i bought one of the cauls from stewmac im gonna make sumthin up to put in a press ill post sumthing if i come up with an idea MzI
  5. yea i did use lots of glue, i cleaned up most of it tho so it wouldnt stick to the table and make a big mess MzI
  6. heres some more pics of my progress, i ran the neck blank thru the jointer so its now square on all four sides, all my cut lines are laid out cept a couple like the truss rod which im a lil confused on right now so im researchin and surfin the site for the info i need, i also figured out my control cavity and its drawn on the body along with the pocket for the neck, thats about it for now, for the weekend im hopin to get the fret board cut and slotted, possibly inlayed too and get the truss rod routed and in place, i dont see that as too much work i just hafta make a couple tools and templates, more pics to come as i make some more progress, i have work to do on the house unfortuanetly so either way ill b doin work on sumthing Link thingy theres just one link to all the pics im too lazy right now to provide individual links MzI
  7. i finally got my order from stew mac today, pics will come later tonight of progress and the stuff i bought MzI
  8. has anyone heard of moisture resistant lacquer, ive been doin a lot of researching about this stuff, its aviable at sherman williams, its a one part lacquer, super fast drying, my dad is currently sprayin it on the kitchen cabinets and he said its possible to do 10 or 11 coats in an hour on a nice sunny day, i also work for a painting contractor so i have lots of info from some of my coworkers, the stuff is relatively cheap, in comparison to poly, its roughly $35 or $40 a gallon, when i say super fast drying it dries to the touch instantly when spraying it outside in the sun with a thin coat, some more stuff i found out, it doesnt yellow or crack, its on the cabinets already and its been there for 15 years and still looks good has anyone else used this stuff or even heard of it, im thinkin im gonna use it on my next guitar once i get to the finishin stage and im also thinkin bout strippin the paint off the neck of my V and resprayin it so it isnt as thick of a neck, yea theres a lot on there any thoughts or comments MzI another thing i just rememberd, it doesnt take forever to harden i think the guy i work with said its hard like the same day no 3 or 4 weeks of waitin for it to harden like nitro if im not mistaken
  9. my body design got approved the other night so im now workin on headstock designs, im thinkin something similiar to an ESP F body style headstock, i have it partially drawn out in cad, ill post them a lil later tonight tho when i get on my other computer, next step is to finish the body drawing and make a prototype so ill be posting more pics in the next couple days MzI
  10. didnt epi make a similar model to the modern a few years back MzI
  11. hyunsu, why do you let your necks sit for 2 to 3 weeks?? is it to let the set and become stable in relation to the shaping of the wood, i have never heard of doing that bfore, maybe my ignorance seems like a good idea though, is it ok to go without letting it sit that time period MzI
  12. mimf has like 3 or 4 different sets of lp plans, just sign up its free MzI
  13. if im not mistaken arent they around 1 1/2" thick, they are quite thin which is nice MzI
  14. I have a no name vertical 2x12 cabinet with carvin british speakers, 8 ohms each the cab itself is rated for 16 ohms, the lower cone has a dent in it but does not affect the sound whatsoever. the speakers are covered by the round metal grate type things. I will take the cab apart if you want just the speakers, askin $75 obo for the cab with the speakers and for just the speakers idk make me an offer MzI i can get pictures if they are wanted
  15. no not the scale length but the overall length of the wings are a lil off so if you were to put it in a gibson case it would not fit MzI
  16. just to let you know the 67 v template on guitar build is a touch too long in comparison to my v MzI
  17. ^^ that first one is exactly like i was thinkin of, but what a waste of money, i wouldnt give them $50 for that thing, just make one MzI
  18. if the bench top grinder does work speed wise, why not have it angled so one wheel sits over the edge of the bench or even make a separate stand so its free standing and you can put a large wheel on there and be able to move the guitar around MzI
  19. i thought that if your going with a buffing wheel like that it has to be variable speed, something i saw on Trucks!, they said that too high of a speed and you can go right thru the finish, just what i heard them say so by no means take my advise without doin a lil research MzI
  20. sg's are gonna be lighter and thinner vs a carved top lp, go play both and see which one you like better MzI
  21. id say go to a shop by you and try a bigsby out, that way if you dont like it you wont end up wasting a lot of money and then hafta go back and change it to a tom MzI
  22. following the trend heres my info and what not, I am a hobbiest, i got into the idea of building a guitar roughly two years ago, since then i have read as much as i can, searched the web and have refinished one guitar that was competely destroyed (ebay purchase), built one guitar from scratch (minus the neck), and have been working on another guitar for the last year and a half, in addition to my building all the guitars i currently owned have been modified electronicly, pickups pots inout jacks etc, i like to tinker around with guitars and figure out what makes em tick, ive taken my guitars apart numerous times just for the hell of it, currently, i have my first project still going, a neck thru 59 v, im in the developmental stages of a bass guitar for a friend, and i also am in the process of starting a neck thru sg, heres a link to my work Linky thing as for myself, im currently 20 going on 21 in september, im an architecture major at roger williams university in RI, home base is upstate NY (saratoga area ) for school i design buildings from begining idea to end in which i come up with a concept and see it thru to final review stage, at school i have knowledge of autocad 2000 and other such programs, my plans for after school include moving back home to upstate NY, gettin a job as an architect and gettin my license of course, and for fun or as a second job building guitars my playing experience, ive been playing since i was 16 just over 5 years now i have a particular taste for gibson guitars, especially 59 V's and thank you MzI p.s, hey wes is there any reason why we couldnt do this in our personal profiles so everyone has one and we dont hafta make a huge long thread
  23. i personally love gibsons, i own an 83 flying v myself, lack of money is the only thing stopping me from buyin more MzI
  24. i dont see why not, but why not just make a neck thru, that way you dont hafta figure out a set neck joint, you just glue your wings on the neck and go MzI
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