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Everything posted by jammy

  1. press print screen - copy the screenshot into paint shop pro (or equivilant) and crop to size
  2. I have a 9v battery here with my tester on it - 8.2v
  3. My order is just being finalised for a rear routed soloist body - the man will make what you want
  4. Ive been using the 81/85 combo in my 550 for ages - there great pickups. A real harsh bite to the 81 and the 85 is smooooth. If you get the ZW set there should be no problem in installing them (provided there going in a les paul) cus the whole thing is pre-wired for it.
  5. Theres a guy on jemsite selling one.... http://www.jemsite.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=30165 If thats allready gone, try Rich over at Ibanez rules; http://www.ibanezrules.com
  6. drop him a mail - he's always more than happy to help. It all depends on woods and stuff, also, if your getting an inlay done, it might be a bit cheaper...
  7. The experience Jeremy at LGM guitars has is worth getting it to Canada to have it done... this guy is the Ibanez modding guru, and if the prices are the cheapest thats even better If it were me, I'd go with Jeremy (and I live in the UK - now that must say something about his work ). I expect any luthier who does inlays would do it for you; its not THAT complicated... Call around and get a few prices
  8. I fitted a killswitch to my 550 not too long ago... Just take the hot line to your output jack and short it to ground - works perfect with no noise
  9. Sweet guitar, impressive work for that small an amount of tools
  10. 1.8cm deep (measured from the face of the body) on my RG550
  11. Any company will be fine - they all produce on the same values....
  12. if you stick with the same type (linear) and the same value it doesnt matter wether you used push pulls, trims, whatever...
  13. Stick with the same values of pot and you should be fine...
  14. Malmsteen also plays in Eb, making those 9's feel like 8's, especially with the scalloped board...
  15. I use 9's on my seven string, 8's on my six stringers, and im gonna be using a custom set of 8 tops, 9 middles, and 10 (with extra strings of course) bottoms on my 8 string. The string gauge doesnt really effect how fast you can play i find (well, within reason, i think just about anyone would be slow on 13's). Ease of bending is the main difference you will noitce, and therefore ease of vibrato.
  16. Fretwave is prob. what your talking about - its a bit of an extreme modification though...
  17. stop pushing once the frets in place, i guess
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