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Everything posted by Primal

  1. Damn, move to WV! I need a band! haha On a side note, I would like to congratulate myself on my MOST successful (my successful, I mean most replies) thread ever. Thank you. Thank you very much.
  2. Everyone, do what the man (Drak) says! Haha. AlGeeEater: Out of curiosity, where you live?
  3. Clarifies? I'm more confused that I was when I started this thread. Personally, I don't CARE about the genre's... I just listen to what my ears like. haha.
  4. Ya, I simply don't have the cash to get a complete higher powered setup, so I am going to add bit by bit. I am gonna start with either a 2x10 or a 4x10, a SansAmp DI or RBI, and a Sonic Maximizer. From there I'm gonna get a power amp (300-400w probably) and another cab.
  5. I knew you were getting into metal, but I had no idea!! Are you gonna wear face masks or leather trenchcoats onstage or anything?
  6. I will probably end up doing that. One question: How much better is a 4x10" than a 2x10"? I'm looking at both and wondering if the 4x10" will really be that much better. I'm also looking at the Tech 21 SansAmp RBI preamp and the BBE sonic maximizer to add to my rig now. In a few months I will probably have enough cash to get a power amp.
  7. Very cool. Are you going to have a store front or just be an online dealer?
  8. Ugh, I'm so tired of argueing about Metallica... so I'm just gonna say that ...And Justice For All is the best album. End of story.
  9. I'll chip in on that one... but only if you video tape it a post up here afterwards.
  10. Sheesh, you have a guitar shop? If so, how 'bout you cut me some deals on some electronics?
  11. How's the Flotsam and Jetsam CD? I am only really interested because Jason Newstead used to play for em... but if they are good....
  12. For the price, I think my cab is excellent. I think I paid $90 for it new. It has served me well. It's not that the cab is so bad, its just that I can't get the tone I am wanting with JUST a 15" speaker. Transportation isn't a problem at all. I've got a nice Ford Taurus station wagon (aka the Shaggin' Wagon!). I could easily fit the amp in the back and my bass in the backseat. I would like to eventually replace my head, simply due to the whole grounding/buzzing problem it has. I have looked at that Behringer head but didn't know if they were any good. Thanks for the info.
  13. There weren't any bass players at my highschool that were competent enough on bass to even TRY to challenge me.
  14. Sound like me. I was the best bassist at my highschool (I'm in college now) and everyone seemed to want me to play with them. The bad thing was that I was so far above their level that it would have just wasted my time to try to play with them. Also, I didn't like their veiws on music. I have been a band geek the past 7 years and therefore I have a more "refined" sense of musicality. The people that wanted me to play with them are the ones that would sit in the corner with all their buddies and headband while playing horribly. The closest thing to a band I have ever been in was a small jazz combo that my drummer friend got together to record an audition tape to send to Berklee College of Music. I must say, we were pretty awesome.
  15. I was just curious how many of you all were in a band.
  16. Mouser is an excellent and very reputable dealer. 5 stars!
  17. Thanks for the info. Right now, here is the setup that I am looking at: My current rig -- Trace Elliot 100w head and 15" cab Tech 21 SansAmp DI (pedal or rack mounted, not sure) BBE 362 Sonic Maximizer Might add that 4x10" cab if I have enough money afterwards. I'm not much of a pedal guy, but I have to use my Zoom 506II to get a decent sound out of my amp (without anything, I sound like sh*t). I'm trying to eliminate having to use it. One thing I really like about it is its chorus/flange effects. Since they sound digital anyway, I mind not having an analog pedal for those. I was just thinking about this... if I'm going to get some rack mounted equipment, whats the best way to power it? Do they have a standard 3-prong plug for a wall socket or do they need a special power source?
  18. DiMarzios, Seymour Duncans, or maybe even Bill Lawrence pickups. I think you can get any of those for around $70 a piece (Bill Lawrences are cheaper, I believe).
  19. Learn the sweeping motion that everyone uses, hehe. It would seem like the trem bar would get the way of your playing if you didn't let it dangle. I dunno. hehe
  20. So Drak's thread about a metal rig has got me thinking about my bass setup. Right now I am running through a Trace Elliot Commando 100w head and an off-brand 15" cab (can't even remember where I ordered it from). I'm wondering about what area I should focus on -- power or tone. We all know that compared to guitarists, bassists need a more powerful amp to match a guitarist's volume. On to the question. Should I focus on power or tone? Basically, I'm wondering if I should work on getting the tone I like and rely on a PA system for gigs to supply me with the volume I need, or try to get a 300w or so amp. I'm thinking the former. Right now my idea is to work on my tone. I'm thinking about buying a Tech 21 SansAmp DI to help me get the sound I need. I've read a ton of review on this stomp box, all of which praise it (average sound rating of 9.1 with 100 reviews). After I get that, I really need to get a new amp and cab. My Trace Elliot I think would be plenty powerful enough if I'm going to rely on a PA, but it has some sort of grounding problem. It will start buzzing pretty badly, but all I have to do is hit it and it will quit. Another thing is my cab. Just having 1 15" speaker isnt cutting it. I'm looking at getting a Madison 4 x 10" cab to use with my 15". Any advice or comments are greatly appreciated.
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