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Everything posted by Jivin

  1. Buff and Assemble! I cant wait - that guitar is just plain sexy
  2. i wish people would speak english more on the net...i much prefer maiden's reply to that guy over all the useless "scallopwned" and "12345" crap just a pet peeve i guess...proper communication is such a valuable skill and is something too many disregard these days I see your point, and I reckon it got old -really- quickly in that thread, but I still thought it was funny the first time I read it Generally I like to pay out all the crazy net language, but every now and then in the right situation it just seems to click
  3. yeah but if you only want to change the E string it would be a bit of pain. I have a guitar with a bridge thats positioned very much like that one in the picture and its frustration when I have to change just a single string. Not that its that much of a deal for me, because i generally change all my strings when I change one, but on the odd occasion I get a dud string in a new set or something it presents a small problem
  4. lol SCALLOPWNED thanks for the link maiden
  5. Stunning work dude, really If I manage to create a guitar like that in 10 years time i'll be a happy man - so congratulations on some truly inspiring work keep up updated! Seeing thing fully assembled with hardware will be awesome Cheers, - Dan
  6. Lovely, looks like Alder body with the maple deep set tenon joint is what ill go for, which funnily enough is what I had penciled in before I started this thread Thanks again for the input, its invaluable. - Dan
  7. Thanks guys, I really value your input Do you have an opinion on the extra long tenon neck joint vs a neck through? If its what I think I should be going for, i'll pay Perry the extra to go for a neck-through, but due to it being less of a pain, its less for the long tenon joint... Dont get me wrong... im not trying to cut corners, just sussing it all out
  8. *also keep in mind the fingerboard will be ebony and the pickups are EMG 81/SA/60* Hi, Soon i'm going to get Perry to commence building my 'dream' guitar and i'm having a bit of difficulty in deciding on wood/neck joint combo for the best balanced tone. I'm not really quite familiar with the tonal propertires of alder, besides that people say its 'balanced' Can anyone give me an opinion on what it is like compared to Mahogany? I have all mahogany cort guitar here that I dont mind, however I would like it to have a bit more bite and clarity... however I certainly dont want to go overboard and end up at the other exreme... with a guitar thats too bitey and doesnt have decent bass response and all that. I suppose my confusion was compounded a bit because the different neck joints also introduce more maple into the equasion... so really im just after some opinions? Also, to open pandoras box a smidge, on top of that people like the grand mastah of the world and universe Ed Roman say that Deep Set Neck Tenon joints are the best, over say... set-in neck joints... one of his reasons for this was that glue did not transfer sound well.... I dont get that at all - doesn't the deep set tenon method require you to glue in the tenon as well? I could go any way right now, but I guess im probably leaning towards an mahogany body with a maple deep set tenon. My thinking is that even with the mahogany body, the maple neck with the extra long tenon and the ebony fingerboard will keep the tone in check. Sorry for the long pointless post, i hope someone can settle me down! Cheers folks, - Dan
  9. Jivin


    I heard someone mention the satriani signature head? I have to admit, I was reading about that one (assuming its hte Peavey JSX head) and it sounded mighty good! I might even go out of my way to try and have a play with one
  10. oh yeah, the wrong mood definitely effects my playing, my confidance... everything. like you say, when in the wrong mood (doesnt necesarily mean a bad mood ) nothign ever sounds right and i just get frustrated. however, the flip side is when im on a roll and im in the right mood everything just falls into place and its awesome just a fact of life for me, and most people i would imagine
  11. check out his website for soundcllips
  12. Maybe this was answered and I missed it, but how do you get access to the pickups? I would love to try this idea on my explorer... it would be so crazy! A emg loaded weapon of pure metal destruction that looks like it had no pickups ps: wonderful guitar, that exact guitar isnt my cup of tea, but thats not to say I dont admire the work you've done. inspirational!
  13. Jivin


    I run my GT6 into a 100w Kustom solid state combo amp (which in my opinion is very high quality, parts wise) and its great for anything I do. There may well be much nicer amps out there that are all tube or whatever, but I just can't justify the thousands and thousands of dollars. For the time being im totally an effects guy though... I have all my sounds customised to my amp programmed into my gt6 and thats the way I work, and im the first to admit that without the GT6, the distortion on my kustom is really weak, but thats life
  14. Hi Guys, I'm interested in picking up a Dean '79 MLF (the model with the lic. floyd rose), as you can see here: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...me=STRK:MEWA:IT I've scoured the dean website and from what I can see, the only difference between this model and the USA Time Capsule model is that the USA model has dimarzio pickups, a better flamed maple cap and that is made in the USA. I can get one for around $800AU all up from the states, which seemed good to me, but I am a bit unsure. Does anyone have any opinions on these guitars? Do they carry the generally good reputation that seems to be attached to Dean guitars? What about the maple cap... does anyone know if its veneer or an actual top? I looked on Harmony-Central but didnt find a whole lot - however I did find one review i -think- was for the right guitar (only sans-trem) where the guy thought the quality was horrible and would never buy one again Help would be appreciated Cheers, - Dan
  15. I personally think thats a pretty fugly guitar I guess the aluminium one does have a pretty funky space vibe going for it... looks like something out of the jetsons but the blue one certainly doesnt have that vibe
  16. Haha yeah When i was starting out I used to think the solo from master of puppets had tapping in it... needless to say I was a bit let down when i found out there wasnt any at all I guess you just learn these things over time lol Oh yeah, and if you have the same powertab for cemetary gates I have, then its damn near amazing. Yeah it does have a few mistakes, but like you said, it would be such a tough one to tab out. There is a similarily good one for Guitar Pro that I use, but I imagine someone has just copied it across
  17. I've seen him play it without tapping but instead with wide left hand stretch like someone else said. such a cool solo! I cant play it unfortunately, but all in good time... Cheers, - Dan
  18. ^ helpful post I cant be too much more helpful, but in a painting tutorial on the main website Brian mentioned he had success painting pickups with acrylic artist paints, which you could pick up easily without too much trouble. Im not sure how to answer your sealing question, but I'm pretty sure painting the covers wont affect the sound... unless you lay the stuff on really thick, then it might be a different story. Good luck, - Dan
  19. I totally agree with that line of thought. Dont get me wrong Curtis, I hope you kick ass when you get up on stage, and your getting better all the time, but your timing and dynamics still need improving, so if you step up on stage and try to play all along the watchtower, the likelyhood of something going terribly wrong is much higher If you really really have your heart set on All Along the Watchtower or anythign else thats not a peice of cake, then go for it, but I still think you'd be better off picking a really solid, straight-forward tune like Enter Sandman and just totally nailing it down. If you can get really comfortable playing it with your band then come stage time, not only will you rock cause you know it inside out, but also cause its a simple song and at the end of the day, its the performance that matters on the whole, not just how intricate your guitar is, and a solid, simple song would be much easier to work into a good performance Either way, make sure you keep us updated PS: Also... is your singer up to all of these songs people are throwing out? I mean really, he/she has just as bigger part to play as you do, and if the singer cant sing the song well, it isnt going to mean much whether or not you do your bit well
  20. On the bridge you measure from where the strings contact the saddles. The placement of the bridge should be easy to figure out; just adjust the saddles on your hardtail bridge all the way forward, and measure your 25.5" from the inside of the nut to the saddles on the bridge, and you have your horizontal placement. Of course you have to make sure your vertical placement of the bridge is correct as well, so I would suggest drawing a full scale diagram, or downloading an explorer diagram from www.guitarbuild.com and making any adjustments you need to.
  21. Yeah, from that list I wouldnt choose anything but For Whom the Bell Tolls. Not that I dont like the others, but meh Give us some recordings of the whole band playing and then a better opinion would be given If your vocalist is up to it maybe Harvester of Sorrow? Must be sung with lots of grunt though To be honest for a general thing, if u want a metallica song, just go with enter sandman. Great ratio of boppers who know it to everyone else, its simple, and if you do it right it will sound really good.
  22. I've always loved the look of this guitar: something about the burl and the white EMG's and the birdseye neck and the inlays.... just oozes class to me And once again... http://www.deanguitars.com/images/vendetta_4.jpg ahhhhhh.... ADMIN EDIT: Jivin- You know better than to put two pics in a post. Don't let it happen again unless you're in the Tutorials section.
  23. if your in aus then check out www.broadbandchoice.com.au
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