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Everything posted by Jivin

  1. Maybe it would be worth waiting and saving some cash for them
  2. Is it true though that Tung Oil and the likes are significatly 'weaker' than say, a satin/matte finish nitrocellulose lacquer? As far as protecting goes i mean, and needs re-application every year or so? If that is true, id say it would be worth mentioning to the thread-starter
  3. So where was the pictures of the first project? it was a rhoads V wasnt it?
  4. i agree emg selects are crap, but you gotta keep in mind the pricetag - its not like they cost $75US. Ive seen EMG select humbucker pickups for $20US
  5. - Hohner Baton Rougue (sounds fancy, but it aint) with SD JB/59 pickups - Cort X-6 - Samick Soloist copy (which im completely re-doing atm, so soon it will be renamed) - Onyx Warlock copy (which im in hte process of putting a fluffy finish on) - Cort Earth 100F (this is my only acoustic and i love it to death for the bit of acoustic i play)
  6. hmm well, if i assume you didnt have a condesending tone when you said that, thanks for letting me know with a bit of respect. Could you please let me know why it was wrong, becuase i know your thinking that probably think i know everything and thats why i tried to answer the thread-starters question, but thats not the case and the only reason i answered is because its the one thing so far that ive had to specifically research for the building of my first guitar, and i got the answers to my questions (which were very similar to this guys questions) from this forum and i trusted them. So yeah, it would be helpful to have my answer corrected so i know for my own project. Thanks - Dan
  7. What part of the bridge are you referring to??? The part where the strings contact it... like... the tips... probably called the saddles, and thats probably why you asked the question... to pay me out now im all nervous cause i dont know if i was right or not in what i said!! AHHRRRGGG PLEASE DONT KILL MEE!!! I guess ill just shut up Its just i was tired and you never know when the people are asking questions like that whether they actually know what they are asking.... i can sorta see now how my answer would have been confusing.
  8. man, that was deep although i dont think id ever say something like that, i do agree with you - but i also think, youve got to be good enough to truly be able to express your feelings on an instrument. some people choose to study an instrument in an acedemic environment for years and years so they can totally and utterly express themselves. Other people (like me) prefer to just play and learn to satisfy myself - its not like once day it will just click and ill be like "oh, now i can totally express myself" its just something ill always be striving for, and ill let my music interests take me where they will. Anyway, my point was just that its all good to preach the spiritual part of playing an instrument, but at the end of the day, doesnt matter how spiritual you are if a total newbie picks up a guitar they arent going to be able to rip up a storm My point? Just play, your thinking about it too much curtis, listen to whatever music takes your fancy and play it for fun, the rest will come naturally over time. - Dan
  9. A forum search or a CAD drawing from www.guitarbuild.com should answer all your questions if your prepared to learn as you go. The length from the 12th fret to where the strings run through the grooves (saddles?) in the TOM bridge will depend on the scale length of the guitar your building. However the length from the 12th fret to the saddles (refer to previous (?)) should be identical to the length from the inside of the nut to the 12th fret on your neck regardless of what scale the neck is - Dan
  10. Just so its known, the pics arent working here on my machine Doesn't make it a very helpful tutorial is all
  11. this thread should be closed how can people be so inconsiderate, hah
  12. Oh this is just messed up there should be a rule you cant submit a post like this without pics! dooo itttt!!!
  13. well my version had a slightly different headstock, and it was more of les paul shape (eg. the body around the neck was wider than zakk's one) and the right horn came up and around a bit more. I was also planning it to be more les paul orientated in its controls and hardware, so it would have a stop tailpeice and the controls would be placed like a les paul. Also i hadnt decided what sort of wood i would use for the top, but I was going to try and keep the usual les paul tone.. but i dont want flamed or quilted maple.. and his birdseye (?) top looks a bit crap. I might look for some really wierd type of figure in a peice of maple and use that. Still, those are minor things! stupid andy beech
  14. not happy jan i was so happy with what id drawn now i may as well have just sat down and traced that out. @#($@#($@#)_*&#+@##@%+$@
  15. Damn him I had this beautiful design of a les paul style guitar i drew up and planned to build as my second or third guitar (because it involves scary things like binding ), called the Les Hashmier... it was going to be so awesome! Well anyway, i was watching a mates ozzy Live and Loud dvd i borrowed, and what guitar should i see zakk wylde playing.... my les hashmier! (well close enough anyway...) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Im still going to build it and its still going to rock... that doesnt mean some of the zang has gone out of the idea stupid zakk here is a pic from the dvd... Anyone know anything about it or has ever seen it detailed on the web before?
  16. Good to hear, cause i have the Martin Koch book and the Dan Erlewine guitar repair/maintenance book on order from the states and i have high expectations
  17. Bich released a re-issue of that guitar recently didnt they? Not the 10 string version but just a standard 6 string one. I think i saw a review for it somewhere and whoever reviewed it seemed to like it. like most bc rich guitars, i think it looks cool, but i dont think i would spend my money on one. Gay though? bah! hardly, although that particular guitar at the top of the thread looks a bit silly with the extra tuners and knobs everywhere.
  18. man i wish we had the sheer amount of guitar parts going around on ebay.com.au that is on ebay.com ahhhhhhhhhhrrggg!! if it wasnt for the fact australia is better for most other things i would seriously move over to the US
  19. Sheesh! Your work is absolutely exquisite! so neat and just generally stunning ive looked over your website so many times and i never get bored of looking at the pretty pics keep it up
  20. Jivin


    well, despite the fact I was wrong I still think its a good thing to practice and I think your skills in musical theory and the use of capitals to emphasise things are needed in the Zakk Wylde camp snork, cause now ive been told its not a chromatic scale, i was thinking and im pretty sure it was zakk who said that it was... no idea where in a guitar magazine? or a video interview or something meh
  21. Jivin


    im not trying to be a smartarse, infact i think im wrong, but arent the different positions/patters of.. the pentatonic scale for example, called modes? so if your playing the 3rd position of the pentatonic and your friend is playing the 1st position your both playing hte same scale, only in different modes? im a bit of a know-nothing when it comes to theory... i know the 5 positions of the pentatonic and thats it besides basic music and guitar theory... :| I am in the process of learning more though edit: to the thread starter... definitely listen to what these other guys are saying, but one thing i found that cant hurt is just running up and down chromatic scales(s) ? not sure if thats what they re called, but... E -----------------------------------------------1-2-3-4 B --------------------------------------1-2-3-4--------- G -----------------------------1-2-3-4------------------ D --------------------1-2-3-4--------------------------- A -----------1-2-3-4------------------------------------ E --1-2-3-4--------------------------------------------- might help to build a bit of strength you would need to blaze around on all the cool scales your learning. of course just practicing the scales would do a good job too... but this is more generic
  22. if you use chemical stripper, be prepared to work at it.... -hard- im in the process of stripping a guitar i have here, and mannnn its taking ages. maybe the finish im stripping isnt meant to be stripped with chemicals, but its just such a long process. I was going to sand it, but the clear on this thing is absolutely nuts... like it was built to withstand a nuclear explosion, it would just clog up my sandpaper over and over and over and i wasnt getting any of it off. also, this thing had a thickarse coat of sealer (quite strange i thought... it was a good 2mm thick), then a layer of primer, then the paint, then lots of hardarse clear. Just saying be ready for anything
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