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Captain Sociable

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Everything posted by Captain Sociable

  1. Heres my plan, I am only going to dye the white and blue stripes. When sanding is finished I will mask the stripe across the middle, I will cut a line with a razor to keep the lines from bleeding over. I will apply several coats of the white dye, wet sanding between each. When the white is finished I will run a clearcoat over it. Then I will mask the white section and do the same for the blue. Then I will paint the back and neck black. Then I will mask the circle and the "C" and paint them with red and yellow. Then I will clearcoat the whole thing. Tell me if this is utter madness? Should I just dye it blue and paint the white stripe? Thanks.
  2. yeah its the les paul kit, the top goes from half a centimeter to 1 centimeter so sanding thru shouldnt be a problem. I am gonna get a palm sander. this sealer is a bitch. which kit are you working on?
  3. I am doing the same thing and I have the same question. How deep is the sealer? What grit of sandpaper should be used? How do you know when all of the sealer is removed?
  4. I bought tung oil based stain from woodburst. Can it be mixed with clear coat?
  6. so, can the sealer be sanded or am I s.o.l.? yes, the sealer can be sanded down. what kind of wood are we talking about here? BASSWOOD WITH A FLAME MAPLE TOP
  7. I just got a LP body. I want to stain it asap. the wood is already sanded and sealed. my question, can the dye go straight on or do I have to sand it first?
  8. I am planning a similar project. I want to put the Colorado flag on a Les Paul body. Was it pretty easy to keep the dye from bleeding? I plan on masking all the shapes before applying the dye. How deep was the exacto cut? Was that all it took to avoid bleed thru?
  9. I just bought a Les Paul body with a great flame maple top. I want to use 4 different colors of dye. I however, have never dyed wood. What I want to do (if possible) is mask off different parts of the bady so that part of it will be blue, part will be red, part will be white and part will be yellow. I am pretty sure I will be able to do the red and the blue parts but not so sure if I can do the yellow and white parts. My question, can you mask off the different shapes without the colors bleeding under the mask? I imagine I will have to spend the money to buy a piece of maple to test my masking idea before I start on my new L.P.
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